How Friendship Began
Sha Tin Junior School, Marjovie Liu, Fiction: Group 2
HH..” hissed Gurgle, glaring at his twin brother, Jingloo. Only translated from Martianese.
They have come to Earth for a tour and crash-landed on the Gobi Desert. There were
humans around. They can’t know about the aliens. They don’t know about them at all.
“Genghis,” somebody yelled. “Genghis Khan!” Slowly, A young man came walking in,
talking to a beautiful Mongolian woman. The aliens stared at the lady. “Oh, mother. This is my
friend, Lan Yue.” Genghis mumbled. His mother winked and smiled at him. Genghis walked into
his yurt and burned an incense to his passed away father, for he had fought and died at war. Yet
Genghis has dreamt to fight for his country as an army like his mighty, brave father. Gurgle and
Jingloo wanted to find out more, they changed shape from a lump of sand into a couple wearing
rags. They walked to and fro around the yurts and saw Genghis’ mother whispering to Genghis.
He nodded and went to Lan Yue and said “Lannie, I need to go to the Dragon Palace.
On the way, I’ll drop you of at the silk road so you can go home. Okay?” Lan Yue nodded and
murmured “Shall I go with you?” “Erm….,”Genghis replied, “I want you to be safe.” He closed his
eyes and sighed breathlessly. “Come to my yurt privately.” Genghis announced, suddenly seeming
strong enough. He disappeared into the doors of the room. “Tell me why here! Am I ever going
to see you again? If you’re not coming out, I’m leaving. Myself!” Lannie cried frighteningly. The
aliens surprisingly gasped at the pair. Lan Yue’s small pretty eyes placed on the twins. Jingloo
gulped. Gurgle began to shake like Je-lly. Genghis stepped out of the yurt and looked at Lan Yue.
Then the fake couple made a fake smile. And they ran into Genghis’ tent. Genghis did a what-on-
earth-happened-face to Lan Yue. “Solve the problem in your yurt first, Luvey” she teased. “OK,
Sweetheart” Genghis sighed hopefully as he gazed at the beauty. “C’mon, in with me.” They pulled
open the door but nothing was in sight. “Don’t be scared. We aren’t here to hurt you. Can we talk
to you?” Lannie whispered in the faint glow of her candle.
“Don’t come closer!” Gurgle spluttered, both frightened and shy while Jingloo counted
Genghis’ marbles. “Wha??” Jingloo babbled out, staring at his brother. “Please. Even if it is a
secret that nobody else knows. I promise we wouldn’t tell. Please come out.” Genghis sighed. “OK!”
Jingloo became his normal shape again- an alien. It was too late! Gurgle couldn’t catch Jingloo
in time… “Dude! They’re fine! I told them about us!” Jingloo giggled frequently. Gurgle heard
something not very ‘suitable’ for his ear: Genghis and Lan Yue are planning to bring Jingloo
along with them- for the aliens can perform magic! They need the martians help in their quest. I
hear you say “What quest?” and I hear myself answer “Genghis is one of the seven men slaves to
challenge the dragon and if it’s right, it’ll gobble it up. But if it’s wrong, you’ll get to be an army
in the Phoenix City. But the setting is in a deep, dark labyrinth so even if you won, you won’t
get to go out of the old maze…” Gurgle couldn’t help to step out of his hiding space and undo all
the makeovers to reveal his true self. “But it’s not fair!” He exclaimed, “Both him getting to go
and the not getting out of the maze.” “You’re going too, Gumbee? Is it?” Genghis said deliberately
teasing his name. “Duh, like I wouldn’t go and, my name is Gurgle. G-U-R-G-L-E. Gur-gle? Yes.
GGGUUUURRGGLLLEEEEE. Gurgle. Gurgle.” The strict alien said angrily. “Hey! No need that
temper with me, I’m just joking.” Genghis glared at the green unidentified object, also known
as the G.U.O. but when you read it like guo, it means fruit in chinese. “Tutti Fruity!” Lanny and