HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 26

“Your go.” He whispered.
“I’m making a new rule, Kailey. Don’t comment on my life. Besides, it’s your go.” he smiled.
“Charlie, look at the clock.”
“Just go, Kailey, Take my mind out of this place and into your life.”
“How about I just tell you about the last few hours?”
“I already know what’s happened to you in the last few hours, Kailey.”
“No, you don’t. not from my point of view.” She hesitated for a moment, and then launched
into her story: “I woke up this morning in the pitch dark, when I realised where I was and what
was in front of me, my whole life was a big confusing mess. Then I met this guy who at first I
thought was trying to kill me, but he wasn’t. But after spending a few hours with him my life
didn’t seem like such a big mess anymore, and everything he did, everything he said... made
sense to me... even when nothing else did. Charlie I don’t think I could have done this without
you. You... you beautiful mess. you great big beautiful mess of a human being. like me.”
Charlie smiled. A smile that was so genuine he could have lit up the room with it. He glanced
quickly at the timer sat behind her and flinched.
“Oh God, Kailey I’m such an idiot.” Charlie ran his fingers through his hair violently and
stood up, reaching inside his coat pocket to reveal a letter, much like the one they had discovered
their fate while reading, “I found it on the floor a while ago, I was going to read it but then I got
“What does it say?” She asked, looking up at her with the eyes Charlie had come to know so well.
The seconds felt like hours as Charlie opened it up, and then stared at it, puzzled.
“It’s blank.” he said.
And then he realised.
“Kailey, this is indestructible paper... this is for our last words.”
Kailey stared into His eyes, searching them for words that could describe how she felt at that
exact moment, but found nothing.
Kailey snatched the paper out of his hands and a pen out her pocket and gripped them tightly
as she scribbled down the words that she knew would sum them up perfectly. When she was done,
she pulled Charlie down towards her and buried herself into his chest in a mixture of sweat, tears,
anger and unadulterated love.
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