HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 543

He knew someone had spoken those very words to him in this place before. Who could it
have been?
Nick tried to latch on to the memory, but the mysterious face of the creature that spoke to him
still remained out of sight.
The voice grew louder and louder. Somehow it thundered and overwhelmed him, yet remained
a whisper. The harsh words came faster, and faster, and he was shaken by them. “I’m the devil. I
like the taste of blood. I’m the devil. I like the taste of blood. I’m-”
He stumbled backwards and shut his eyes.
“Stop it!” he yelled.
He put his hands to his ears and willed the voice to stop. Gradually, it faded.
“It’s alright.” Nick comforted himself.
Slowly the realities of the night impressed themselves upon him once more: wind, cold, darkness.
The girl in the glass cage was still staring at Nick with her intense red eyes. She looked scared.
“Let me out. Please,” she whispered, her voice barely audible through the glass.
Nick nodded. He was going to free them.
No matter what.
Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps. Nick swiftly went in search for a hiding place.
The long tapered fingers in the white gloves stroked the tip of the syringe. Slowly, while the
other scientists waited silently behind him, the tall figure, whose face was hidden under a black
hood, raised the tip of one forefinger to his lips and licked the dark blue liquid as if it were a drop
of honey. The hooded man sucked in a deep breath of air.
He could smell Nick.
“You’ve chosen a sad place to die, Nick,” The hooded man whispered in a hoarse voice.
That voice. It sounds so familiar.
Hiding behind a column of desks, Nick couldn’t see him, but he could sense his haunting
presence not far away. Nick felt his gun. It settled heavily in his hand. He was no longer running
away from death, but he was determined not to travel this road alone.
He watched the slow advance of the three men until they came to a halt about two meters
away. Nick raised his weapon to his chest and leapt.
Nick grabbed the closest man by his neck and turned to the other scientists, shielding his
body with that of his hostage. The two other scientists moved menacingly towards Nick.
“Spare us the drama,” the voice whispered behind him.
Nick turned around and saw the hooded man glaring at him from the dark. How did he move
so fast?
“I’m going to shoot this man’s head off,” Nick said, snarling.
“I see you’ve forgotten me? Can’t you remember how I used to play with you?” smiled the
hooded man.
The hairs on the back of Nick’s neck stood up and his breathing quickened. He felt like a little
boy again.
And he was.
An eight-year-old boy.
* * *
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