The Mysterious Gobi Desert
Kennedy School, Winston Lam, Poetry: Group 2
T he gobi desert; 500,000 square miles of sand,
H ot and cold, a land not scanned,
E pic and amazing, but unwelcoming, on the other hand!
G iant hub on the magic silk road,
O pened eurasia’s eyes, as spices were unload,
B ut the origin of it all is still a story to be told,
I t is of mongolian legend - it was from magic code!
D elirious and mysterious, a breathtaking combination,
E mpty but strange, a good place for an environmental investigation,
S ky filled with shining stars along the galaxy of appreciation,
E mptiness in the heart as you travel, too much sedimentation!
R ugged with the thundering of desolation,
T remendous place to travel, a place of fascination!