HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 123

Fiction: Group 3
Seastone seemed to be happy too. Therefore, I let it play with them.
It had already jumped into the river before I noticed that.
When they were enjoying the water sports, I discovered that the facial expression of Seastone was
unusual. Its depression and inner fear were gone while its pure joy was shown on its face.
I wanted to leave it there, but it disagreed. It forced me to promise that I would visit it once a week (ten
years on the Earth). I had no choice but agreed.
Seastone sometimes was annoying.
A decade after a decade, I grew taller and taller, Seastone became older and older, and the Earth had
tremendous changes as well. It became well developed and in other words, that is modern.
Also, people were not as poor as before because a lot of farmlands were turned into commercial buildings
while the perfect nature had vanished. What I could see were high rising building and weird looking things
called “vehicles”.
Oops! How about the turquoise and clear river where Seastone lived?
As what I had predicted, Seastone wasn’t found there, but only a small amount of its friends were still
there. They were on the brink of death.
Looking at this filthy and dusty place, the words “Pearl River Delta” was written on a big dam.
Obviously, the old charming, lovely place was gone. It was changed into a rich city, no longer being a
native countryside.
Anxiously, I searched for the trace of Seastone over the world. I still could not have any clue but only
sickness. Since I had inhaled too much fume into my body and drunk in too much polluted water, my
health was indeed deteriorating.
If Seastone faced this situation, would it able to take care of itself It would not recover unless Seastone
was lucky and cheated death.
According to their history, the development of this place was started when the creatures there attained
their intelligence.
As the highest ranking creature, humans, could not have any self-control, the evil deeds they had done
would definitely lead to another problem, sometimes, even a disaster or a big fighting with their own kind.
They called that “a war”.
I was pleased to see humans having their convenient life like us on our planet. However, humans did not
know how to handle the following problems. They depended too much on the well- developed
information technology.
We could not wipe out the contribution of science and technology, and they were not the ones who
made the Earth suffer. The poor environment was a result of wasting natural resources.
When will they awake from the dream of making more money? When will they think about protecting
the environment of the Earth?
Technology is really good while culture and environment are important too. Human, wake up! Stop the
unfair trade which sacrifices your natural treasures for the old evil, money!
Fight against the evil for the innocence Earth! Having peace in your hearts can help you think of some
ways to protect the beauty of this wonderful planet.
Seastone, I am so sorry that I had taken you to this terrible planet! I hope you are living well at the
other places on the Earth.
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