Fiction: Group 3
My Life in the Pearl River Delta
ISF Academy Secondary Division, Saunders, Brendan - 12, Fiction: Group 3
ooking down at the beautiful tree tops from the tip of the mountain is breath taking. The leaves
sway ever so gently from side to side as the cool morning breeze rushes over them. From afar, the
trees are like fluffy pillows with countless leaves covering their branches. I can feel the magical
sensation of fresh air entering my airways. As I walk through the forest I get a feeling of security. The only
place where, no matter who I am or what my appearence, the forest will accept me. No expectations, no
prejudice, simply acceptance. Everybody loves the forest.
I could stay in the forest for my whole life, however reality holds me back. I must start the long journey
home. As I begin my walk back down the peak the sun has already started to hover over the horizon,
threatening to finally get some rest and let the moon take its shift. Once I reach the bottom of the
mountain, I say goodbye to the woods and head reluctantly back to the city. Agitated drivers repeatedly
honk horns, jack hammers pound your ears and sirens of ambulances screech, reminding me of harsh reality.
Arriving at the city, I am forced to choke on pollution in the air and the smoke, blown from selfish smokers,
is like fumes from a chimney. The endless traffic jams, where cars spew black exhaust from idling engines,
cause pollution . The endless construction with workers digging up roads and sidewalks repeatedly without
second thoughts. And the endless stream of people looking down constantly on their phones act like
drunken drivers. It is sickening to think about how we humans are destroying our Earth for our own
benefits and not considering future generations.
As I finally reach home, the sun dips behind the horizon as the bright moon comes alive again to show me
the rest of the way home. The moon following me across the dark road is a comforting sitet, knowing that
I always have someone looking out for me. However, that feeling is instantly shattered as a huge cloud of
dreadful pollution swallows the graceful moon in one enormous gulp.
My bed looks very appealing after today’s long hike. I brush my teeth, put on my pyjamas and jump in bed.
As I place my head on my fluffy pillow, I feel my eyes weighed down. I force myself to take one last look at
the hushed forest and let my natural instincts take over.