HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 25

Fiction: Group 3
Dragon Ascent
Chinese International School, Yung, William - 13, Fiction: Group 3
The incandescent sun gleamed vividly in the clear cobalt sky. Glistening in the warm sunlight, the peak of
Mt Baiyun was encircled by white wispy clouds and the summit was completely shrouded in mist.
Luminescent sun rays manifested hues of crimson, gold and amber which danced on the waves at the base of
the cliff. Swishing gracefully, rolling waves curled onto the precipitous ebony rocks surrounding the coast.
In the shallow waters of the shoreline, gnarly mangrove roots twisted and intertwined beneath the clear
tranquil Pearl River.
A tantalizing summer breeze blew across the water, rustling the clothing of a young fisherman
sitting on a small wooden rowboat. Dressed in crimson, the young fisherman perched on the wooden helm
holding out his bamboo fishing rod. His black eyes scanned the water examining the calm river for any fish.
Leaning on the side of the boat, he cast his rod out towards the sea. He had been named the greatest
fisherman in his town and was extremely proud of this achievement. After having devoted countless hours
over many years, he was confident in the art of fishing. “What tasty treats am I going to catch today?” he
said to himself. Straightening his body and crossing his legs, he patiently waited.
Suddenly, a cataclysmic pull erupted from the depths of the river. The young fisherman pulled back
as a surge of bewilderment and trepidation struck him. He apprehensively thought to himself, what fish
could be this strong? As he furiously pulled and jerked, the row boat drifted a few meters. He paused for a
moment without losing his tenacious grip. Catching his breath, he felt perspiration drip from his head. As
the boat propelled forward, the fisherman staggered trying to regain balance. Another vigorous tug exploded
from the river and the fisherman flipped over the side,
plunging into the Pearl River. Engulfed in the
piercing cold water, the fisherman held onto the rod with all the strength he can muster. Splashes discharged
from every inch of the Pearl Delta river as the young fisherman was dragged, his mouth gaping open. Then
the roaring water suddenly ceased, and the white froth evaporating into thin air. The fisherman struggled
against the waves to get back on the boat. In one hand he clutched the edge of the boat and in the other
hand he held the fishing rod with an iron grip as he pulled himself back on board.
Having sat back down, he saw something that almost made him fall back off in shock. There at the
end of his rod glistening in the morning sun was Shen Long, the most famed Chinese sea dragon. With the
hook lodged firmly in his mouth, he vociferated tumultuously as saliva emitted from his mouth. The
dragon’s extensive serpent like body was covered with satiny emerald scales. Its elongated face had two
savage horns growing on his forehead and on his chin were chalky white whiskers swaying in the sunshine.
Sharp intimidating teeth protruded from its mouth as its forked tongue darted in the sunlight. Shen Long
tilted his head back and shrieked raucously.
Suddenly dark menacing clouds hovered over the Pearl River Delta. Colossal rain droplets began to
bombard the tiny boat, causing it to sway wildly from side to side. Thunder boomed in the distance.
Gasping in alarm, the fisherman reached for the sails to head the boat home, only to hear a loud crack above
his head.
“What in the name of the Gods is that?” he gasped.
“You, young man.... What do you think you are doing with my catch?” a voice reverberated. As a
large ship emerged from the crest of a wave a dark figure appeared onboard, standing with hands on his hips
and a sinister smile on his face. Cocking his head back to the sky, the figure belted out a minacious laugh.
Staring across the five feet of ocean that separated his boat from the ominous ship, the fisherman
felt his heart quake with fear. He pulled with all his might on his sails and turned the boat around hoping to
flee, only to be met by massive wave that seized his boat and threw it head long into the pirate ship.
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