HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 273

Fiction: Group 3
The Worst Day Ever
St. Margaret's Co-Educational English Secondary and Primary School
(Secondary Section), Wong, Judith - 12, Fiction: Group 3
thought getting fired would be the worst part of a job, but I guessed I was wrong.
The grey, cloudy skies matched the drab uniform of the workers walking to work, most of their faces
buried in their masks. The toxic air only made it worse, making the people’s skin pale and sickly. With their
hunched back shoulders and fatigued expression, it was obvious that they were working overtime, and I was
just here, watching them pass by. Once, I was in that group of people, dragging myself towards the large
factory. Now, I am unemployed, and everything in my head was a large blank. It was devastating. On the
bright side, I was free from that demonic factory who had no sympathy for any of the workers.
I’ve already found a job that suited me, even though I just got fired a few days ago. It was a change from
what I did in my previous job. Instead of overworking in the day, I would be a night guard at night.
Surprisingly, they offered such a high pay for it plus it wasn't even difficult at all. Only a day later, I received
the letter from the company agreeing that they would hire me which was strange. Firstly, companies often
take a few weeks to review it. I shrugged the thought off, and returned to staring at the gray horizon.
I set off in work in the given uniform, and I silently pray for luck. Mainly because I am actually really
superstitious and avoided walking under ladders (there was a lot of construction around the factory). This
was a large toy factory producing toys for famous toy companies. Again I could see the emotionless workers,
their eyes fatigued from the work. A person, wearing the same uniform as me, began speaking with a heavy
Chinese accent. His voice was squeaky and small, probably because everyone thought I was a little
intimidating with my height. "You're Dan Chan right?"
I sighed. He said my last name wrong, I hated when people did that. I opened my mouth to tell him that,
but he cut me off.
"The new night security guard?"
I could only nod, no longer bothered by the fact that he couldn’t pronounce anything.
“I am your partner for night surveillance.” I held in a groan, as this was the best thing that could happen. At
least he wasn’t those people who did friendship bracelets and braided each other’s hair and planned on being
best friends forever.
“Come, follow me,” said the person. I didn’t move, and instead, I asked a question.
“What’s your name?”
“You can call me Sam.”
I followed Sam to a room with countless screens. They were extremely large, and you could see the
workers, every one of them, working on those dolls that gave a slightly eerie feeling.
Sam noticed me staring and said, “Those dolls are creepy, but you’ll get used to it.” He began going on
about the different screens and the buttons.
I was only listening half-heartedly. This job was easy, apart from the dolls with their bald heads and
unblinking eyes… I don’t even know how children enjoy looking at their devilish appearance. I shook the
thought away before more negative things corrupted my mind and I should focus on whatever my new job
partner was trying to tell me despite his weak English.
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