HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 291

Fiction: Group 3
cuts. But most importantly, I saw the dim flicker of hope in your eyes, about to be reduced to ashes and
smoke; I...I couldn’t watch a mirror image of myself walk the paths of pain that I did. Everyone should have
the right to live their dream.”
The woman eyes had no more anger or annoyance. They were overflown with tears of hope and happiness,
tears that washed away the pain and sorrow. Tears gushed from Wen’s eyes - tears that washed away the
loneliness and sorrow, tears that broke the wall of unfamiliarity between the two women, tears that filled
their dry wells of hope and courage - they came from faraway places, but they had the same dream, the
same heart.
So it was, two grown women crying and hugging and laughing in the midst of the chaos and disarray. They
would not surrender to the harsh reality, nor to pitiless society, nor to the unrelenting work of the day.
They would go on, to live the Chinese dream.
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