HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 424

Fiction: Group 4
“What was the Open Door Policy?” Xuehua interrupted, face lit up with curiosity.
“Basically, you see, foreigners were now allowed to set up businesses in China. The manufacturing industry
also took off shortly after that and I was lucky enough to find a job in a factory on the east bank of the Pearl
River Delta.” Uncle explained.
Oh the Pearl River Delta…” He whispered.
“It’s a true blessing, contributes to such a large amount of the GDP, wonderful economic zone.” He
muttered to himself in an incoherent bundle.
Pearl River Delta? I think I learnt about that in school…
“As the years went by, workers’ wages kept on rising and inflating in the area of the delta and my stroke of
luck finally arrived when I was recognised for my diligence and dedication. I rose from a position on the
conveyor belt, to a supervisor, then manager and finally-into the office.” The intonation of his voice rose
higher and higher in excitement.
His eyes started to grow brighter at the remembrance of his progress but a slight glistening remained in
them, a mark of the hardships and obstacles he had had to overcome.
I’ll never forget those days.” Uncle’s voice quivered.
“Now, today, in the year 2015, my friend and I are planning to start our own IT based private enterprise
and I can’t believe I’m about be the owner of my very own company. ” Uncle exclaimed. He let out a long
satisfiying sigh afterwards, one that seemed he had kept in him all along.
“Guangzhou is a truly beautiful and mesmerising city…” He paused, placing his chopsticks down on his
“…And it’s all because of the mystical powers of the Pearl River Delta.” He finished.
I want to witness those powers myself.
“All of the economic growth and progress of China was and still is concentrated around the Delta and I have
been dependent on this river in the last two decades. It is fair to say that without it, I wouldn’t have been
able to sustain myself and I am ever grateful for its presence.” He continued.
“The Pearl River Delta has been accompanying every one of my successes. To me, it is a symbol of hope,
improvement and it is a window of opportunity, a chance to change my own fate and destiny.” He
Change my own fate and destiny…maybe I could do that.
Xuehua’s face changed, a slight glimmer of hope visible in her eyes.
All eyes were on uncle.
“I’m proud of you brother, it must have been hard.” Father responded, patting him on the shoulder.
“When are you heading back?” Mother inquired.
“Tomorrow, early morning.” Uncle replied.
“Why don’t you stay longer?” She asked.
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