HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 41

Fiction: Group 3
at his side to use it to stab the serpent. All the villagers crowded around the edge of the pier and watched the
boy step into his boat and row off. They cheered and shouted his name until the rowboat had disappeared
into the distance. Far off in the distance, a sinful voice was whispering, “Stone, stone.”
The rowboat bobbed up and down as waves gnawed at the sides of the boat. Amos’s hair slashed against
his face as the wind zoomed past him. Nothing distracted the little boy. His eyes stayed alert and attentive,
searching around madly for any sign of a black, scaly tail jutting out of the water. However, a fog seemed to
close around him, and become thicker and thicker the further he went. In the end, he was only able to see
himself and the rowboat moving slowly along the water.
Then just at that moment, there was a movement so sudden that almost scared Amos half to death.
Something pitch black had protruded out of the water and back into it, making a huge splashing noise.
Amos stared at where ripples were spreading, with his two, brown eyes smoldering with fear and
Suddenly, his rowboat was jerked off the water into the air, ascended towards the water, then smashed
into the water. Something had hit right on the bottom of the rowboat. Now the young wizard was sinking,
thinking that he had lost hope, when he remembered…
Up, he thought, up I go. Suddenly, in less than a second, he was zooming upwards, out of the water, and
back into his rowboat, soggy from head to toe. Then he raised his head to look at the black, scaly, deadly
body of the serpent.
He shut his eyes as tightly as he could. The monster was right there. He was waving his hands about
blindly for his sword when he heard a shrill, sinful voice whispering, “Kill, kill the darn wizard. Stone,
“No you shall not!” screamed Amos. He could smell the bloody, fishy smell of the serpent’s breath. “I
will put the daylights out of your eyes, you darn thing!” Then still closing his eyes, he swung the sword at
where the voice was coming from. But the sword just slashed at thin air.
“Kill!” screeched the serpent, with his evil face almost touching Amos’s. Amos raised his sword at lunged
it. There was a loud squelching noise and a earsplitting scream from the serpent as the sword plunged into its
left eye. Amos opened his eyes, and almost at the same time pulled out the bloody sword then thrusted it at
the other eye. The serpent bellowed in pain and waved his head about.
Amos, who had opened his eyes at last, had never seen anything so vicious and frightening. The serpent’s
scales, now splattered with blood, were so black that it stood out in the thick fog. Its eyes were no longer
there, blood pouring from it down into the water, making large, red, blotches. Now no matter Amos
looked into its face, he was safe. The serpent was blind.
Now he will finish it off.
He was just raising his sword when he felt something jab into his right shoulder and make him howl in
pain. The monster had pierced his poisonous fangs into Amos. Then Amos quickly hurled the sword at the
serpent’s neck. The serpent leapt back from him, gave an earsplitting shriek, then descended into the water.
Amos lay in his rowboat, motionless. He had killed the serpent. But the pain was spreading from his
shoulder. Amos lay there, his breathing shallow, when suddenly everything went pitch black, and he passed
On the edge of this river stood a statue of a fifteen year old boy, with a few words carved under it: “The
wizard of the Pearl River Delta”.
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