HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 578

Fiction: Group 4
The Revolution Within
Korean International School Secondary Section, Teo, Benjamin - 15, Fiction: Group 4
onspiracy is one of the main factors some countries and this world is so corrupted. No one thought
that the Students and the supporters would triumph over the central government, but somehow the
students were able to gain a sudden push in momentum from a secret background force. With that
Hong Kong crumbled and the rest of China followed; Macau, Zhu Hai, Kai Ping the cities along the Pearl
River Delta collapsed into endless chaos once word of Hong Kong fell broke out.
The streets of Hong Kong no longer shimmered like they used to, they were deserted and all you could hear
were the sound of crackling flames sitting in barrels everywhere. Smoke floated around and layers of smog
built up by the city of Hong Kong. Half the city is now in ashes and what separates the Students from total
domination is a little girl called Daisy.
Daisy watched as her whole family was captured by the student army, from then on she became mute and
no longer had feelings. Isolated from the rest of the world she made sure she could survive, with her intellect
still intact she was able to create her old tree house on the outskirts of the city, buried by the jungle. She
didn’t have a lot but she managed to grasp all the essentials she needed to go on day by day; a power
generator she hung from the tree; a water purifier, a crossbow that had unbreakable arrows which she used
to hunt with. She didn't expect much but that changed one day.
Dreaming of the past Daisy was awoken by a faint howl, at first she thought she was still dreaming but then
as it continued and faded, she realized it was real. She climbed down from her tree house and followed the
sound of the faint howl. Under a fallen tree lied a Monkey wounded and howling in despair. As she
approached it she began feeling something she hadn’t felt in a long time, a surge of emotion filled her body;
fear, sadness, happiness all the things a normal girl could feel, she had it back. She kneeled down stroking the
monkey as she inspected the bruises and cuts it had while making sure it stayed conscious. She sprinted back
to her tree house grabbed her first aid kit and hauled back to where the injured monkey lied. Her first aid
skills were put to the test as she cleaned and bandaged the monkey making sure that it would survive and
carry on.
Several days passed and the monkey was back to its original healthy state, it was really happy that it could
swing on trees again and Daisy was glad she helped the monkey, she was no longer lonely. They got to
know each other using a type of sign language Daisy made up. Days passed and just as Daisy hoped it would
get better, it didn’t. A speaker on a drone flew around the skies of Hong Kong in rounds, broadcasting a
message from the heads of the umbrella revolution.
“Attention!” the speaker played
“We know you’re out there little girl and either you surrender yourself or we hunt you down! Your
Daisy was frozen, she had no idea they would eventually find her too but they did and now they would
look for her. In her mind the two voices were at each others throats; one choosing to give up and the other
not backing down without a fight. This troubled her for the remainder of the night. The next morning it
was dull, the skies were grey and Hong Kong was covered in a layer of fog; not to mention the horrid rain
that began to seep through the roof of the tree house. DRIP DROP DRIP DROP. It was 9 in the morning
and after a sleepless night Daisy chose to confront her biggest fear, the heads of the Umbrella Revolution.
It wasn't easy but she thought to herself, “What have I got to lose?”
With that she packed and equipped herself with her cross-bow and the essentials she might need to survive
in the city. She left a note for the monkey Bobo, it read:
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