HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 61

Fiction: Group 3
Greed is the Thing with a Mask
Evangel College, Lam, Vanessa Robin - 14, Fiction: Group 3
eople are born pure. people are born with innocence. Even in different times and places, this is an
unchanged fact. We’re born lovable, fragile, beautiful. It never occurs to us that one day, all of this
will not be the same. Our darkness surfaces as we age, even though it is sometimes hidden. Wars.
Power. Desire. In the end, it always ruins us.
“August...What have I done? This isn’t what I wanted! Please be alive...we need you...the city needs you!”
Gile cried, falling onto his knees. The sight in front of him was nowhere near pleasant. The city was
completely destroyed, the remains of fallen buildings covered up the city entirely. The horrid-sickening
smell of gun powder lingered in his nostrils. Smoke filled the air. No one was crying, no one was screaming.
And next to Victory, was August’s lifeless body. The sky slowly turned dark, but nothing could be seen due
to the smoke. Gile stood up and looked around while tears began spilling nonstop from his eyes. He had lost
everything. He had nothing left. All the pain and suffering could never be lifted.
“I don’t want to live anymore.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“It’s The Chief!” someone shouted.
“The Chief? What’s he doing here?” another asked.
“Well, whatever the reason, it’s definitely important,” one spoke.
On cue, a shadow arose from the dark, revealing a short-plump-middle-aged man. He was in a luxurious
black suit and an expensive looking tie hung handsomely from his neck. Despite his strict appearance, The
Chief beamed at the soldiers and put down the cigarette he was smoking with.
“My dear soldiers, it is such an honour to be able to meet you all. I have an important announcement to
make. Gile Reed can you please step forward?” The Chief said, resulting in a few murmurs.
“Gile Reed Sir, at your service.” Gile marched forward and saluted.
“So you’re the famous Gile Reed. I have to say, I’m quite impressed. Your training results are most
outstanding,” The Chief stated.
“Thank you Sir. It’s all thanks to my supportive teammates,” he replied humbly.
“Because of your great performance, I hereby put you in charge of the entire military of Hong Kong.
Starting from today, 2036, the 5
of April, you are the supreme commander. ” The Chief said, hiding a
smile. His plan was proceeding smoothly. He was certain that Gile could get him what he wanted.
“Thank you again Sir. I will not disappoint you,” Gile answered.
When The Chief finally left the building, all the soldiers cheered.
“I knew Gile was going to be promoted soon. This is great! The military will surely function well with him
in charge. Now we don’t have to worry!” One of the soldiers said happily while the others nodded in
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Gile, it’s time we declare war against Guang Zhou and Macau. We need the resources and we need to
expand our territory.” The Chief told him seriously.
“Excuse my rudeness, but I’m sure we have all the resources and land we need.” Gile began, “I refuse to
put my men in danger for something we don’t need.”
“If we don’t take action, the other cities will soon be ahead of us! We have to be the best! We need them to
fear our power!” The Chief demanded, standing up from his chair.
“Sir, nothing is more important than peace. Even if we did go to war, we would be using up our resources.
We won’t gain a single thing.” Gile responded, still composed despite the anger of The Chief.
An awkward silence filled the room.
“How much do you want?” The Chief asked while lowering his voice.
“Excuse me?” Gile asked, slightly offended.
“I’ll give you anything you want. Money, fame, land, anything you can think of. All you have to do is lead
the army.” The Chief said in a tempting way.
“I’m extremely sorry Sir. That won’t work on me.” Gile said before leaving the room.
“Oh, I’m sure it will.” The Chief muttered under his breath and smirked.
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