HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 657

Fiction: Group 4
‘Jun…Her name was Jun. JUN.’
Hak’s voice grew louder as he expressed his new discovery, His voice was
full of gentleness and longing as he repeated her name all over and over again.
I chucked as he continued to repeat her name. “Jun…”, like Hak, I let her name roll of my tongue, it
indeed is a simple yet beautiful name. Jun, meaning of pure…
When we reached the Zhuhai Port, I could feel a buzz flowing in my mind.
‘It’s the same…’
I heard Hak
say before my conscious drifted down the memory lane of Hak.
My mind flashed as the memories flashed from one to another, it was like watching a movie with all the
scene changes.
In the port, ships parked around the surrounding area. Families, friends and lovers of smugglers had all
gathered around the port. Tears, bitter smiles, encouragements, farewells are heard all over in the crowd.
“Hak…Stay safe…okay? Choosing this path has it perks but it’s also very dangerous. I’m…sure, that we’ll
meet again one day…”Jun said to Hak when he’s queuing up to get onto the boat. Her eyes were shining,
clear salty droplets tempted to fall out of where she was holding it back in, she held most in, but one stray
pearl rolled off as she smiled bitterly at Hak. Her eyes were telling him not to go, but her voice is saying the
exactly opposite.
Hak turned his strong, broad back towards her as he stepped ahead, nodding and sadly smiling to himself,
clouds of tears raining from his eyes. He didn’t dare to look back on Jun’s face. He didn’t.
Another flash of bright light and I was pushed out of Hak’s memories. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I
got of the ship of memories.
The port mirrored the one from Hak’s memories. Though I could not experience what Hak felt in his
memories, the place was more than what I had expected.
Right next to the port was a wet market bustling with life, children and adults of all ages scrambling around,
loud cheery slogans repeated every few seconds, occasional screeches of wild cat fights… The breeze from
the sea slowly brushed against my face, as if it was a mother caressing her long lost child’s cheeks. The
gentleness of the wind not only bought me the feeling of home, it brought the refreshing scent of the salty
seas, that made me want to dive in and let the waves embrace me with it’s warmth.
I could hear Hak whispering into my mind, his happiness of finding his hometown, and the
sadness of not knowing whether Jun is alive or not, is surging right up my mind. I could feel his emotions
affecting me directly as my eyes became watery, I tried to look up to prevent the tears from falling, but it
didn’t work. Fat droplets rolled down my cheeks as Hak silently cried.
I wiped my tears and started searching for anyone that might know Jun.
I asked around the market to see if anyone knew Jun, and almost immediately a woman of around her early
40s grabbed me by the arm, wearing a simple brownish purple set of clothes, that didn’t look new but
carefully handled. Her dark long hair was in an old fashioned braid that sat gracefully on top of her left
shoulder, she looked like the typical Chinese women seen in the TV dramas.
“What do you want with my mother?” The lady asked curiously. “Your mother?” I asked back in shock.
“Yes, my mother. There’s no other Jun around in this town. So why are you looking for her?” She replied
with no hesitation. “Uhhh…I’m not sure how should I tell you this, but I know someone who wants to
meet her desperately.” I tried to explain.
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