HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 676

Fiction: Group 4
The River's Soul
St. Mary's Canossian College, Wong, Kylie - 15, Fiction: Group 4
he merciless sun eats the essence of the river away,
leaving him with an empty soul.
The fierce wind brings him into his way,
to the place where all the glory and fame
are only pieces of memories to be blown away.
The once shimmering golden carpet rolled out by the farmers
has turned to grey concrete roads.
The warm welcoming beats of the folk songs
are covered by the hounds of cars and the remorse complaints of the workers.
Together they create a repulsive symphony
that sends chill to creatures underneath the river’s foggy mask
Glittering the river was.
Worshipped with fear and respect,
he was once the center of the villages’ lives
and they are all he has.
Until the black liquor flows alone his face,
he threw a tantrum in dismay,
swallowing every children’s reflections
to break the people’s heart as they may.
Gone are the days of the empire he built.
Negligence and heart breaks are in exchange.
Millions of years have he waited for them to have guilt.
All it gets is a cold, heartless glance.
Darkness falls and brings the sorrow back.
It’s time for him to take a rest.
One more final breath,
his soul floats away with the last drop of clean water the people have.
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