HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 704

Fiction: Group 4
" Couldn't you stop all these destructive measures! You are killing everyone!" The image of the old
man's grand-daughter lying deadly in his embrace appeared in my mind.
" Hey, Grace, think about it. If we become allies, we'll definitely make a lot of money and build a
stronger army. Who cares about the useless people there? Losers!" Dark Lord said.
"No! You're wrong. You're the sole loser! You destroyed our ecosystem! See the pigeon, it is killed
due to your pollution! You polluted the air, the water, lands and even the joyful lives of the people!" I cried.
"I see... So you're not allying with me. In other words, you're my enemy. And I must kill you!" As
the Dark Lord finished her say, she rose her hand and was about to kill me in one shot! I was so afraid and
couldn't run away! I didn't want my life to end! Is this the end of my life?
I closed my eyes and was waiting for the attack. However, nothing happened. I opened my eyes, and saw
Harold lying weakly in front of me. “No! Harold! You're going to be alright!" He had sacrificed himself to
protect me! “Grace, I am so glad that I can meet you. I am confident with our clan's prophecy, as you're the
chosen one. Just believe in your feelings... The Dark Lord... has no mercy. By the way, Hakuna matata
means no worries for the rest of your days and I promised to be with you like the stars following the
moon..." I hold tight to his hand, trying to wake him up again, but he was as dead as a doornail.
There was no more mercy for the Dark Lord. She had killed the person that changed my life! Then, all of a
sudden, Harold had reminded me of the prophecy! "The girl who released the green triangle would defeat
the Dark Lord."
I stood up, with courage this time. I took out the locket. " What... What are you doing!" The
Dark Lord seemed to be frightened. As I opened the locket, the green triangle appeared in the air again and
released a strong beam that killed the Dark Lord.
Phew! I collapsed. I went to the Dark Lord's lifeless body and uncover her cloak. It was Ms
Chuang! She was the Dark Lord! Oh my God! I had killed my Chemistry teacher!
By the time I uncover her cloak, things around me started to swirl that brought me up the sky. Among the
clouds, I could see the Pearl River Delta was back to normal. But Harold was still lying deadly there. A
teardrop fell on my cheek. In my heart, I whispered, " Harold, Hakuna Matata."
Now, looking at the sky, I couldn't help thinking of Harold, who saved me. Although he had left
me, he had given me the courage and motivation to live on and the best adventure of my life.
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