HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 74

Fiction: Group 3
“Have you heard of the myth of the Ching Win dragon?” asked Yue Lin as she was skipping through the
pebble path.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Well, thousands of years ago, a humongous dragon with teeth as big as wine bottles lived in these cave. He
is the famous Ching Win dragon. Every day, no matter if it was raining…” she carried on with her story,
pointing at different places as she spoke.
He knew at once that he wasn’t ready to leave. This place, the people had attracted him greatly.
Four years, he spent there, exploring and discovering all the amazing things. Listening to Yue Lin’s
wonderful myths, joining them with the battles on sea, victory!
When he was about to return home, all the Lins surrounded him, Ho Zun Lin was giving him pats on his
shoulders, Yue Lin’s mother was giving him a special necklace, and Yue Lin, she hugged the chemist
tearfully, asking him to come back and visit them someday.
So off the great chemist went, sailing on his boat with a tilted side…
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