Aimee Knierim
Aimee grew up in the countryside outside of
Seattle, where she frequented the local dairy
farm to play with the baby calves; enjoyed
inner-tubing down rough rivers; hiked mountains
without trails and camped under the open stars. Her teen years took
her far from these experiences while working as an international model
in the big cities of Europe and Asia. After years of enjoying living out
of a suitcase, she yearned to go to university and eventually earned
a master’s degree in nursing. This led to a most satisfying career in
midwifery. As a professional photographer, Aimee combines skills from
both modelling and nursing to capture the magical moments of little
ones! She’s now content being both a city person and a country person
and divides her time between Mallorca and Hong Kong.
Elle Kwan
Elle grew up in England in a little suburb outside
London, dreaming about bright lights and the big
city. She wasn’t aware then just howmany cities she
would get to experience. When she thought she might
spend a life playing others, as opposed to writing about them, a drama
degree took her north to Manchester. Playing second fiddle to the acting
career was waitressing, which she performed in cities across America. After
picking up a lovely husband in Taipei and then moving with him to London,
Elle had decided writing about people was even better than speaking
their lines (and actually let her pay the rent). Since moving to Hong Kong
nearly seven years ago, Elle has interviewed top politicians and pop stars,
Michelin-starred chefs and mums, and found that each has their own
inspiring story. Her best role has been becoming mum to Reia, aged four,
and Rafferty, aged ten months.
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PRINTED by: Paramount Printing Company Ltd. in Hong Kong
ISSN 1726-183X
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Belinda Bath; Angela Baura; Orla Breeze; Brooke
Chenoweth; Cong Contreras; Denise Fair; Rennie Fensham; Heather
Goode; Gillian Johnston; Raisha Karnani; Ingrid Keneally; Rachel
Kenney; Aimee Knierim; Elle Kwan; Aileen Lai; Amy McCready; Nic
Parker; Priscilla Soligo; Nury Vittachi
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