movements. These skills are used in activities like getting
dressed, self-feeding and sports. A non-crawler can catch
up, but might be slower at achieving these skills.
The weight bearing on the hands helps develop arches
and stretches ligaments in the wrist and hand (especially
the thumb). Non-crawlers may have messier handwriting
later, for example.
The repetitious movement allows the neural network
connections in the brain to be stimulated, organised
and better developed, assisting the control of cognitive
processes such as comprehension, concentration and
memory more efficiently. Crawling increases the
production of myelin, the substance coating the neurons,
which helps the brain send and receive messages faster
and more clearly.
The head movement involved in crawling stimulates the
inner ear of the vestibular system, which affects overall
balance and sensory input.
Crawling leads a baby to understand where they are in
their environment, which stimulates abstract thinking
skills, which, when developed, will assist them in tasks
such as mathematics.
Cross-lateral movements of crawling strengthen both
hemispheres of the brain. This helps to simultaneously
coordinate the use of both eyes, ears, hands and feet.
It helps the brain share important sensory information
and store and retrieve information more rapidly. It is
estimated that babies need to make 50,000 crawling
movements to create enough neural pathways to integrate
the left and right hemispheres to enable optimal learning
capabilities as they grow older.
Gentle encouragement
Having recognised the enormous range of benefits that
crawling can bring, how do you encourage your child if they
are slow to get moving? Many babies do not start to crawl
if they are spending too little time on their tummies, which
can often be a result of using a baby walker continuously or
not being encouraged to reach for toys. Here are some tips
to encourage your baby to get on all fours:
Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched out; lay
your baby prone across your legs. This position forces
your baby to take some weight on both arms and knees.
Place a mirror or reflective surface in front so that your
baby can see himself.
Lay a towel on the floor, and lay your baby on his tummy
across the width of the towel with his head and arms
hanging over the edges. Gently pick up the two towel
ends and raise the baby up until he’s on his hands and
knees. Encourage the baby by gently lowering the towel
as he is able to increasingly take more weight on his arms
and legs.
If your child does not like to crawl or has only crawled for
a short period of time, use games to encourage him and
make it fun:
Use a tunnel or short tent to crawl through and play
Place toys out of reach, so the child has to move to get
to them.
Pretend to be a dog and chase him around while he is
on all fours.
Do puzzles or play games on the floor together.
Read books on the floor with the baby lying on his
tummy, supporting himself on his arms.
The first year of life is a time of many milestones, and
not all children who don’t crawl will have difficulties with
learning and integrating their reflexes. Children will crawl
when they are ready, and to rush the process may not be
in the child’s best interest; however, gentle encouragement
should be embraced.
Melanie Potgieter is a Registered Physiotherapist who practices at Island
Health Family Practice. Call 2987 7575 to make an appointment.
January 2013