Jill Mortensen:
Travel-writing contest winner!
Jill was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and
grew up in Northern California and Arizona.
After university, she spent a summer in France as
an au pair for a family with seven children, which hugely influenced her
decision to delay having her own children for as long as humanly possible.
With no job and a one-way ticket, she moved to New York to pursue
a public relations career that eventually featured extensive domestic
and international travel. This led to a job with a Danish pharmaceutical
company in Copenhagen, where she met her husband, Claus. After
getting married in Italy, they lived in London and were visiting friends in
Hong Kong when Jill was offered a job during a Boxing Day party. Nearly
ten years and two delightful daughters later, the Mortensens are still
enjoying Hong Kong, where Jill is a freelance healthcare communications
consultant and an aspiring children’s book writer.
Orla Breeze
Orla was born in Dublin, one of several children in
a large Irish family. Yes, it was chaotic at times, but
there was always someone to play Monopoly with!
At 23, she moved to the UK to live a glamorous life in
media. (Well, if you call living in Manchester glamorous.) Three years later,
she was transferred to Hong Kong, where the glamour really began. (Well,
if you call living on Lamma glamorous.) Fast-forward three years and,
after a brief stint back in Ireland, she triumphantly returned to Hong Kong,
where she wasted no time getting engaged, married and pregnant.
After deciding it was time for a career change, she launched an online
parenting magazine whilst training in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Two
more kids, a move to the UK, and yet another triumphant return to Hong
Kong later, Orla now runs a variety of parenting workshops, which you can
learn about at
Published by:
PPP Company Ltd, Unit 713, Level 7, Core E
Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road
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Tel: +852 2201 9716
PRINTED by: Paramount Printing Company Ltd. in Hong Kong
ISSN 1726-183X
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Angela Baura; Orla Breeze; Brooke Chenoweth;
Laetitia Chanéac-Knight; Cong Contreras; Aquin Dennison-
Mathew; Rennie Fensham; Gillian Johnston; Ingrid Keneally; Rachel
Kenney; Aimee Knierim; Elle Kwan; Aileen Lai; Jill Mortensen;
Melanie Potgieter; Karmel Schreyer; Nury Vittachi
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