You’re ready to have a baby, but it’s just not happening as quickly as
you would like. The good news is that for most people, good things
come to those who mate, writes
Cindy Ip
en and Jane (not their real
names) had been trying to
conceive for three years
without success, but a
consultation with Hulda Thorey,
midwife and founder of Annerley
Maternity and Early Childhood
Professionals, soon put things right.
Hulda confirmed that a previous visit
to a fertility expert had uncovered
no physical abnormalities that would
have prevented conception, and
they were both young. Hulda simply
advised the couple to relax, take some
time off and for Jane to track her
basal temperature for ovulation. Six
weeks after their consultation, Ben
and Jane were delighted to discover
they were expecting.
Hulda suggests that a couple
should not put too much pressure
on themselves to conceive and just
enjoy the process. Stress hormones
may interfere with the production of
certain hormones needed to produce
sperm in men. In the same way, stress
can affect certain hormones required
to release eggs in women.
In general, fertile couples will
have a good chance of conceiving
within a year:
per cent will conceive within one
per cent within six months
per cent within one year
per cent within 18 months
per cent within two years
While I sometimes do see couples
who are infertile and do need to visit
an expert, too many people are too
impatient and rush off to see a fertility
expert, sometimes taking treatment
when there is no need,” says Hulda.
Dr Christopher Haines, professor
of obstetrics and gynaecology at
Chinese University of Hong Kong,
suggests that a couple should seek
the help of a fertility expert “if a
couple has had regular unprotected
intercourse for 12 months and not
achieved pregnancy.”
When it comes to infertility,
Christopher says: “About 30 per cent
of cases are caused by male factors
such as abnormal semen and about 30
per cent are down to female factors
such as problems with ovulation,
blocked or damaged tubes, or
conditions such as endometriosis. In
about ten per cent of cases no cause
can be found, but effective treatments
are still available.”
Couples should understand
which time in the cycle is best to try
to achieve a pregnancy and not to
wait too late before starting their
families,” Christopher adds. Research
indicates a third of infertility cases are
caused by the couple’s age, as couples
are choosing to delay marriage and
families until later in life.
February 2013