Karen Sherwood:
Travel-writing contest finalist
Karen grew up in Australia, in the seaside city of
Warrnambool (she won’t take offence if you’ve
never heard of it!). After a blissful childhood of
beach, books, imagination and travel – including stints in the UK and US – she
attended university in Melbourne. Unsure of what one does with a degree
in international relations and medieval history, she went backpacking until a
cash shortage saw her working at an investment management firm in London.
Whilst there, she interviewed the dashing British analyst who later became her
husband. A travel-obsessive with a penchant for moving house, Karen jumped
at the chance to accompany him to Hong Kong. Plans for the future include
a second child, a publishable novel and finally winning an argument with her
Rachel Kenney
Rachel was born on a stormy night in Bristol in the south
west of England, and grew into a quirky child who used
to clean the bottoms of her shoes and hold her breath
until she fainted. Aged three, she said she wanted to be a
cow when she grew up (which, hopefully, did not come true!), but later settled
for a career in journalism and has since worked for a variety of publications.
Rachel loves travelling (which is strange, considering her extreme fear of flying)
and has managed to pack a two-and-a-half year backpacking stint, nearly
five years of expat living in Hong Kong, and as many holidays as practicable
into her life so far. Married with two children, Rachel spends her spare time
drinking too many lattes and planning her next escape.
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PRINTED by: Paramount Printing Company Ltd. in Hong Kong
ISSN 1726-183X
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Melanie Adamson; Belinda Bath; Kristrun Birgistdottir;
Rennie Fensham; Dr David Gething; Cindy Ip; Gillian Johnston;
Ingrid Keneally; Rachel Kenney; Elle Kwan; Katie McGregor; Karen
Sherwood; Priscilla Soligo; Hulda Thorey; Nury Vittachi
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April 2013