HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 575

of Gobi. You got that? Ekhiingol.” It took me a few seconds before the sudden realization. I
dropped the camera and rummaged through my pack, quickly drawing out a notepad and a dull
pencil. She went on and on, giving me directions like a tour guide. I felt like a lost foreigner.
“Hopefully you’d be able to find the entrance. It’s a cave, you see, with a boulder shielding the
entrance. You’ll only be able to find it if you look real close.”
“Which I don’t understand at all!” Jamie chimed in from behind. “I mean, it’s a giant boulder.
You’d think that people would at least be curious of what’s behind.”
“Oh, shush!” Joanna retaliated. I sat, confused, wondering why I was sitting here watching
two teenagers argue about a large rock. “Alright, where was I... oh, of course. Once you find it
-and I assure you, you’d know it when you see it-, say this phrase: yuu door orshikh. Got that?
Yuu door or--”
A sudden crash interrupted Joanna. She let out a scream and dropped the camera, and for a
moment, all I saw were their legs stumbling and tripping, like they were decided whether to run
or stay where they were. “Oh, God, no!” Jamie cried out. “I thought we had more time!” Joanna
panted. There was a pause between them. The loud crashes and chilling screams made every
single hair stand up on my arms. A chill ran down my spine and straight up again. Whatever that
was happening, it certainly wasn’t pretty.
Another crash, louder than all the ones before, sent the ground shaking. Both of the kids
screamed as rubble rained from the ceiling like hail in winter. “No!” Joanna screamed once more.
“S-Stay away! Get back!”
I saw the reflection of what seemed to be flames. The room lit up like a brand new lightbulb.
The girl began to cry. Their faces were not even shown to me, but goodness, I could just imagine
the fear in their eyes.
Evil. It was very evil.
Feet shuffled close to the camera lens before it was lifted up once more. “Jo, run!” Jamie’s
face appeared on the tiny monitor once more. Everything was a shaky mess as he ran. “Look,” he
panted out, “just do as you’re told. Once you find the map, pass it on. This has to be told to you
Surfacers. Find it, and pass it on. You’ll know what to do whe-- Joanna!”
The camera was dropped once more. I heard nothing but a single, shrill scream, footsteps,
boulders collapsing. The screen went pitch black after that. My hand shook from absolute fear
towards what I’ve just witnessed. I wonder what had happened to Jamie and Joanna, although,
a part of me already knew the answer to that. With a last, harsh breath, I shut the LED screen.
“Well,” I said to my horse, and no one in particular, “I suppose I have to find this secret-boulder-
entrance, then.”
I packed up and set off on this strange journey, tugging my horse along, having not a single
clue how to find this oasis and not even a lot of locals have heard off. To be very honest with you,
reader, I would have never found the location if I didn’t happen to blindly stumble across it.
Luck? Maybe. Fate? Again, maybe.
The so-called entrance called to me like a magnet. I was drawn to it like an iron nail. For quite
some time, I merely stood before it, my hand placed on the smooth boulder, wondering how on
earth I will be able to move it away. “You-Door-Orshiki,” I mumbled hopefully. Nothing happened.
“You door? Your... uh.” I scratched the back of my neck. What was it again? “Yuu door orshikh.”
It moved aside, welcoming me to it’s domain.
Oh, how cliche.
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