HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 607

The whisper
Lions College, Lam Chui Fei, Fiction: Group 4
Lam Chui Fei, Lions College
Gilbert and his dad finally disappeared into the consuming sands of the Gobi Desert. Standing on
the ramparts of this ancient fortress, the spiritual presence of Marco Polo can still be felt……
His eye is met by the vast desert and the silent sand. It is so powerful, solemn and quiet; with
a face plate.It always give you a drab color: yellow, yellow. Yellow is always hot. Nature seems
here to surging waves, emptying angry waves, sudden freezing up, it is always stationary.
Walking on the Gobi desert, he found the inner peace, sparse grass. The changes on their way
to there like wild wind, also like the sunshine on the plateau…..
At the tender age of ten, Gilbert’s life should be with filled with laughter. Actually, this
is indeed his original life. His life took a major turning point 3 years ago. He was told he had
leukemia from the doctor. How his parents wish it was god just crack a big joke with them! In
the next 3 years, Gilbert must be spent in the hospital, to receive a very painful chemotherapy.
Fortunately, he fought the disease for three years, Gilbert finally back to health. During his
illness, he got a lot of people care and assistance. Explore the desert has always been his dream.
He decided to start a desert journey to show people that he dared to pursue his dream and bring
hope to those children who were suffering from leukemia same as him, so that they have the
courage to overcome the pain. His mother concerned that Gilbert was not physically ready to
travel in the harsh desert environment. “I am afraid I have no chance to fulfill my dream if I do
not do it now.” he insisted on going to the desert and had made a promise to his parents that he
will give top priority to health. For safety, his father intends to go with Gilbert together.
They embark on the journey joyfully, with expectations for the unknown journey. Gilbert
requested to walk to the desert in order to feel the charming scenery along the way. He do not
want to leave any regret in his journey, he had no idea about his future, he was afraid that one
day the disease will relapse then he will disappear in this world quietly…..He need to bear too
much horror.
They walked eight hours each day. They rest when they tired, but the limited food and water
is insufficient to meet their actual needs. He did not know how long he walked and how far to the
desert. A deep sense of powerlessness around him, he felt he was just insignificant a speck of dust
in this world. “Dad, why we still cannot see the Gobi desert after walked for so long time? Do we
take the wrong way?” Gilbert said feebly. After about two weeks of trekking, just when he almost
fainted, he finally saw the endless desert. He cannot hide his excitement, a delighted smile across
his face. Then he fainted in the arms of his father with smiled.
He had a sweet dream: the wind gently blowing over, a ray of sunlight fell on the sleeping
boy. He heard a gentle voice whispered in his ear “Hey, Gilbert. Welcome to the Gobi desert!
Enjoy your adventure here.” He might be too tired, after a long time, he finally woke up. When he
opened his eyes, it is already evening.
“Dad, are you still here?” No response. He guessed his father might go to look for food.
“Hi, lonely boy, why do you come here?” He looked around, nobody there. “Who are talking to
me?” “Look at the sand, it’s me” At this time, a spider drilled from the sand.
“Oops! Am I still in my dream? A spider talking to me, what a scary thing! I am going to tell
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