HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 180

Fiction: Group 3
A Day at the Delta
Korean International School Secondary Section, Jancosko-King, Jadealyn - 12,
Fiction: Group 3
y name is Victoria Wei. I come from Guan Dong. My father enjoys going fishing he goes
every weekend. When I was little I would ask my father if he would take me fishing with him.
It just sounded like so much fun to relax as the water slowly bobbed us up and down and up and
down. My father however would always say with a smile on his face, “No Vicky, not today if you fell out of
the boat you would drown as you do not yet no how to swim.” I would always laugh and say “silly papa
you would rescue me if I fell out of the boat!” He always laughed and shook his head saying “I would try to
rescue you but what if I were to late? I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.” Then he
would go out the door and I would be left standing there thinking about how much fun it would be if he
would just give me a chance and take me fishing.
Finally I guess I annoyed him to much because one day when I was 6 years old, we had our normal
conversation about this and at the end of it he shouted “Alright! Fine! I will take you fishing on your 12
birthday by then you would have learned how to swim fairly well! Just please stop asking me!” I smiled and
gave him a huge and promised I would never ask again only give slight reminders. He sighed and went out
the door leaving me to think about what it would be like when I was 12 years old sitting on the boat with
my dad telling jokes as the waves bobbed us up and down up and down.
“Hrraaaahhhhh…” I yawned when I woke up on my 12 birthday. I got out of bed still feeling extremely
sleepy. In the back of my mind I knew I was supposed to be excited about something but what… All
through breakfast I thought and thought and thought. Then I remembered! “I’m going fishing!” I shouted.
My mom and dad looked up and stared at me like I was crazy then they started laughing. “What’s so
funny?” I asked. They shook their heads and my mom said “Well we’ve never seen a girl so excited about
going fishing.” I looked at them like they were crazy and was about to tell them that I was not just a girl I
was the awesome one but my dad interrupted me by saying “Well if we’re going to go fishing you’ll have to
get dressed into something somewhat warm.” I smiled and nodded I ran upstairs singing 1-2-3-4-5 once I
caught a fish alive. I put on my jeans and a T-shirt and a jacket and ran downstairs. My dad was dressed and
waiting for me.
We left after saying goodbye to mother who told us to be safe. I asked my dad a million times where we
were going but he wouldn’t tell me. Instead he decided to go over the rules of fishing as we hiked to our
destination. Finally I saw a sign ‘Pearl River Delta this way’. I nearly shouted I finally new where we were
going and was jumping up and down (in my head) with joy! When we finally got there my dad showed me
his boat. It was magnificent! It was white with stars that my dad must have painted on it. I mean sure it was
no yacht just a small wooden boat but to me it was absolutely perfect. We got in and started moving out
into the water I laid down and looked at the sky everything was perfect. My dad was telling me something
but it was drowned out by the sound of the water and the hum of the boats motor. We were going out
further into the delta and I decided it would be fun to sit on the back of the boat so I could see more of the
front then my dad (who was crouching down) could. I got up and sat on the back gripping the slippery
edges tightly and watched as my dad brought me closer to fishing for the first time. When suddenly there
was a bump! A big one. Then there was another bump in the water making our little boat go really high and
then fall back down with a jerk. I was starting to get a bad feeling about sitting on the back but I was having
so much fun I ignored it. Suddenly I saw a huge wave coming toward us I sat and waited for it to hit the
boat. I was squeezing the sides of the boat so hard my knuckles where turning white. I closed my eyes and
counted silently in my head. 1… 2… 3… 4.. I felt the force push me back I felt around for the sides of the
boat but there were none I opened my eyes and felt a stinging sensation. I closed them again quickly and
gasped for breath but only inhaled a sickly tasting liquid which I quickly spit out. Then it hit me I was under
water. I quickly kicked my shoes off and swam to the surface. I breathed in and opened my eyes, I looked
around for my dad but he was no where to be found I decided it would do me no good just floating here so
I went to the nearest bank and got on it. I sat down and tried to think. I must have been knocked of the
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