HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 181

Fiction: Group 3
boat by the force of the wave. I sat thinking how stupid I was then realized I had no idea what happened to
my dad. I thought about whether or not he had been knocked of the boat. Did he survive? What if doesn’t
know I’m gone? What happens now? Then I cried I cried about my stupidity, I cried about my dad, I cried
about how hungry and thirsty and scared I was. That is what I did for what seemed like 10 minutes straight.
I heard a voice almost like it was sobbing “Vickkkkkkkkyyyyyyyy!” it called I looked around and saw a
boat. A small white wooden boat with stars painted on it. I gasped. “Dad!!!” I shouted I saw him turn
around and start moving the boat toward me. I was so happy I swam out to meet him. When I got in the
boat he shouted at me “Victoria Wei how could you be so stupid sitting on the boat like that! I didn’t
notice till the last moment! By then it was to late the current was pushing you back and my boat was still
going forward1 why did y-!” “DAD!” I shouted “Im fine and that’s all that matters right?!” I saw the red in
his face drain away as he said “Yes Im sorry I was just so worried about you” We went back to shore and
went home. My mother scolded us both for being so dumb but I tried fishing again the next month. I will
always remember this story as it is the first and last time I ever did so something so unbelievably stupid!
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