HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 201

Fiction: Group 3
Can’t do it? Or won’t do it?
Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section), Young, Stephanie - 14,
Fiction: Group 3
young child at the age of eight was sent to the hospital last night.’
He took off his spectacles tenderly, discreetly placing them onto his desk. He let out a muted
sigh, mildly running his fingers through his dark hair, as if trying to ease the burden that had been constantly
pressured upon him.
‘Symptoms of vomiting and sudden memory loss that were speculated to be brought up by the current
epidemic that had been sweeping throughout southern China was found on the child, however doctors are
still not able to find out the reason behind these various symptoms, though some assume it is simply the
trend of a tropical flu that would likely end in a few weeks time.’
The man glanced at the blaring radio, the only source of sound in the room that was supposed to be his
‘research room’, the only source of vigor in his tedious work life.
‘Some reason that it is the cause of contaminated food sources, but up till now scientists and doctors still
cannot find a reasonable explanation to this formidable phenomenon.’
He closed his sleepless eyes for a brief moment; his exhausted mind was too fatigued to be able to continue
with his work any longer. When was the last time he actually had a full night’s sleep? Was it a few days ago?
Or was it a month?
‘Local news: environmentalists have been sending many proposals to the government for the past few
months, claiming that the Peal River Delta is now being highly polluted by biochemical factories, however
the government does not seem to take any action on this matter.’
“Lu, please get on with your work.”
The man, now known as Lu, jumped up at the sudden warning coming from his superior, immediately
putting on his glasses and muttering an inaudible apology before digging back into his paperwork.
“I’m sure you are certain of what you need to do as a biochemical researcher, Lu.”
That was how Lu’s life every day went by.
“When was the last time you had a break?”
Lu’s eyes flew open as he gasped slightly, shocked by the sudden company that joined him. He didn’t even
notice that he had been lying on his desk for the past hour, dozing off before he could even stop himself.
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll get back to my work immediately…”
“No, no,” the young newcomer stopped him, placing a hand on Lu’s in a friendly matter. “I’m not your
superior... But, I can’t believe you’ve forgotten about me, Lu.”
The radio crackled in the background, creating a tense atmosphere around the two men. The newcomer
happily made himself comfortable by pulling out a chair and sitting on it. Lu made no sign of dispute.
Lu looked up blearily, drinking in the ecstatic appearances of this man. His sculpted jaw lifted with a smile
that seemed to radiate felicity wherever he went. And that honey-like voice…
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