HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 208

Fiction: Group 3
Hey, help me
” Joanne shouted. “
Wèi! B
ng w
” She didn’t care if she sounded insane, after all
those days on the Pearl River, yelling at people a football pitch away don’t seem crazy at all. All Joanne
knew was that she was in Hong Kong and she was safe.
Kind fishermen helped Joanne reach land. They fussed over her weakened condition and were astonished
that she had survived all those harsh environments. The British guards however weren’t as sympathetic.
They were suspicious of Joanne. Ignoring her proclamations of her heritage, they threw Joanne in an
isolated cell until more evidence was found.
Does my cousin know I’m here? Zheng, please keep your promise. Tell my cousin that I’m here…
And her prayer came true. Three days later, a tall black haired man with sharp features much like her came
to Joanne’s cell. “Hey, cousin. Didn’t you tell the guards that you’re half British?”
“James, I was on the run, I ain’t got time for your jokes, shut up and get me out of this blasted cell.” Joanne
said. The two family members laughed and embraced each other. They exchanged stories and jokes as they
walked back to civilization.
“They framed me for messing up the government’s system…ridiculous, insane people…”
“…what a close shave!”
“I almost drowned!”
“You’re lucky…”
The pair travelled to Hollywood Road, laughing all the way home. They had travelled a great distance, but
Joanne’s grit and determination brought her even further.
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