HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 315

Fiction: Group 3
So I did. The hover board dropped down a hundred feet then steadied itself again. In the distance,
I could see hovercrafts approaching fast. The others saw them, too.
“Hurry up!” urged Francis.
I formed a small bowl with my hands. Water rushed into my palms and I gulped it down
breathlessly. Throbbing headaches returned. This time I did not faint. The others followed my lead.
Excruciating headaches hit them, too.
Time was running out. “We gotta keep moving!” yelled Raymond.
The hover boards slid seamlessly across the Pearl River. We tried to escape the hovercrafts by
splitting up in different directions. At last, we lost them.
When we were reunited we shared our memories. There had been no world war. In a both
horrible and terrifying moment, we understood that the Re-Foundation was a terrorist group trying to take
over Earth by annihilating people’s memories and forcing them to join their side. Suddenly, an
overwhelming ache paralyzed me. How could I have forgotten? My family! Where were they?
I had to find them and keep them safe. I was the eldest son, so I no sacrifice was too great if I could
reunite my family.
“I know,” said Thalia startling me from my daydream. “There is still a safe place. The Under city!”
“That place is not far,” said Francis, “we can be there by midnight.”
“We’ll have to split up to prevent being followed.” said Raymond, “If we don’t, we might as well
just kill the million people living down there.”
He was right. Back on our hover boards, we followed the maps that the Re-Foundation had
inserted into our brain, and switched on our 24-hour-brain to fight sleep. Even though they had a map of
the world, the terrorists did not know where the Under city was.
Soon, I arrived at our meeting point to see a big tree that had “Under the Secret” carved on it. I
could not remember how I knew I was supposed to wait there, but I was grateful for the memories that the
river healed. I stood and stood as hope started to lose its hold on my mind. Unexpectedly, a masked figure
turned up beside me.
Soon after, two more masked figures arrived running. They grabbed me and the first figure pointed
a threatening device at me. It scanned me and made a beeping noise. My heart started beating as loud as a
roaring lion. The first figure pinched the fabric on the
left side of my waist. He took out a small chip. A
tracker, of course. Finally, the figures all pulled off their masks revealing their faces. I was surprised by how
similar they were, and then I realized that they were triplets.
The triplets led me to an entryway disguised as a dark cave covered with leaves. One of the
brothers stood up and swiped a card on the back wall of the cave, which opened to reveal another dark
entryway. I walked blindly until the spark of hope lit up the end of the corridor. I stepped into the light and
the vision I was met with was phenomenal. A huge city unfolded before me. The further I walked, the
more astonishing it became. Some of the buildings burst out in colors, others looked like vintage postcards.
The air sung all around me. People wore smiles like their best Sunday clothes.
Not long after, the guards led me to an office at the far end of the city. The other wardens were
already there.
Behind the imposing desk, a friendly man in a light suit was sitting in a big chair.
“You’re welcome to stay and become one of us. A rebel.”
So, I did.
Together, we were stronger. We found our cure.
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