Fiction: Group 3
That night I ordered furniture and ovens for our shop. At 8 AM the next day all of us (including Copper)
went to our shop. We arrived at the same time the delivery people did. We helped them set everything up
and finished by 12 PM. Dimitry put down a weird purple gemstone on the countertop.
“Wow what is that?” I said in amazement.
“It’s a magic gemstone I got as a kid. I found it on the road and kept it.”
Suddenly the shop started to shake and a cookie jar fell off the countertop but was suspended in the air
before it hit the ground. Copper jumped up and perched himself on a wall out of fear. The entire room
went dark.
I found myself and my friends in a large room lit by torches. A creepy stone door stood in a distance
waiting to be opened. I walked to it and saw it had a triangular button. I pushed it, the door slowly swung
open. Then came a large, heavily lit room. In the middle stood a small platform with a three square by
three square puzzle. An unfinished bridge leading from the platform to another door was behind it. I
walked to the puzzle and realised I had to put three symbols together, like a memory game. The tiles
flipped themselves to reveal pictures of different shapes, then flipped back to their blank stage. I touched
three squares which I remembered were the same icon. The bridge started building itself. I walked to the
door and it swung open violently. I looked into the room and saw a man- shaped figure. We all walked
up to it. It was five feet tall, with a long slender body and slender limbs. It only had three fingers a pure
white face, was eyeless and had a closed mouth. Copper hissed and ran to the doorway. I looked to see
where he went. I heard strange whispering, I turned around and saw the figure with an open mouth and
was slowly walking towards the three of us. My mind told me that he resembled the train driver with the
creepy voice. Herschel shouted “Oh goodness what’s that thing?!” We ran towards the door but it slammed
shut. Now the creature was sprinting toward us. I raced at the area where it was standing, an LED
flashlight was there. I stared in wonder why in the world there was an LED flashlight. I picked it up, ran
toward the creature and shone the light onto its face. It jumped back howling. I shone the light on it
longer and it crumbled to a pile of ash.
The ash swirled around the floor and formed a sentence. “Thank you for defeating the curse of the Pearl
River Delta, it has haunted the venues of new companies and has stopped them from earning money.” We
all walked back to the doorway and there was a large glass case with Copper standing in front, it had a sign
that read “Type the address of your new company, this glass case will teleport you there.” Trembling, I did
as told, the glass case started rotating wildly. Everything glowed blue. I felt it shake and in thirty seconds
we were in our shop. I began wondering how that structure was built, but I was happy we’re back where
we should be. The cookie jar that fell and froze before it hit the ground was in its normal position now,
Herschel went out to buy the ingredients for the pies we were going to sell tomorrow. Maybe coincidence
but the Pearl River Delta Financial Corporation gave us 200,000 Hong Kong dollars to support our
overhead costs. Maybe the curse was indeed lifted! I said to Dimitry “I think that gemstone transported us
into a location isolated from the space time continuum that is why it is still the same time as when we
whirled there. Did you notice that your watch froze?”
“That makes a lot of sense. It felt like an hour.”
Herschel came back with the ingredients for the pies and we started making them. I thought of how
successful our business would become because of my secret recipe. I use three varieties of apples: Granny
Smith, Royal Gala and Fuji. They signify the three major cities of the PRD: Hong Kong, Guangzhou and
Shenzhen. The apple meeting the cinnamon sauce symbolises the Pearl River meeting the South China
The next day we sold out all the pies we made that night. I knew that we’re going to be very successful and
might even go global. I locked the door of our shop after our first day of business thinking “Now we do
not have to worry about the curse,” walked away silently with my business partners ready for our second
day of selling pies.