HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 94

Fiction: Group 3
turn into me? And did I turn into her? Oh goodness, I was in a girl’s body! This was bad, very bad. I needed
to fix this. MaiChen would probably be on her way to military school at seven, and I needed to fix this
before that.
I left the hut as soon as I could, and walked all the way back to our mansion. It was a very, very, very long
walk and I really missed my car and my chauffeur. I wondered how MaiChen managed without a car…
I finally reached the mansion after an hour. It was already five in the morning. I needed to find a way to get
inside as soon as I could. I spotted an open window on the ground floor of the mansion, and I slowly
climbed inside, trying not to make any noise. Once I was inside, I quickly raced up to my room to find
MaiChen, sleeping peacefully. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” I said, snickering, as I lightly shook her arm.
She groaned, rubbing his eyes. “Where am I?” She asked. Then she looked at me. “That’s me!” She
exclaimed, pointing at me. “If you’re me, then who am I?” She wondered out loud. “MaiChen, this is
urgent.” I said. “Remember how you met LiYing, your half-brother yesterday and you said you wanted to
be him? Well your wish came true, we swapped bodies. Look at yourself in the mirror.”
She gasped when she saw her (or rather, my) reflection. “I didn’t mean that! I only said that because I was
angry! I can’t be stuck in a boy’s body!” She exclaimed, frantically. “How about we go back to the river
and see what we can do?” I suggested. She nodded.
Soon, we were at the Pearl River. “What do we do now?” MaiChen asked me. “Well you could try saying
‘I want to be MaiChen again!’” I suggested. “Okay.” She said. “I want to be MaiChen again!” We waited.
Nothing happened, nothing emerged from the river. I was devastated. Then MaiChen said it again, this
time, louder, “Did you hear me? I want to be MaiChen!” She shouted. Her words echoed in the
background like before and I saw the slithering black creature emerge out of the river again. “If you want to
change back, then you shall change back.” It hissed. My vision turned white, I couldn’t see anything. Then
I felt like something was lifting me up. My mind went blank... Again.
The next morning I woke up as LiYing again. Thank goodness. I really didn’t want to be trapped in a girl’s
body. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and found Dad reading the paper. “Good morning Son, are you
ready for your first day a military school? Be ready by seven.” He said. Oh no! I didn’t want to go to
military school. “Dad,” I pleaded. “Please let me stay. I really don’t want to go.” Dad sighed deeply,
“LiYing, you must understand that I am doing this for your own good. I don’t want my son to be a spoilt
young man who lives off his father’s wealth.” He said.
MaiChen’s words echoed in my head, “You don’t need to work, and yet you’re rich.” Was that really who
I had become - a spoilt man who lived off his father’s wealth? Dad was right. I had to go to military school,
I couldn’t be that person. I took a deep breath, before saying, “You’re right, Dad. I’ll go to military school
and do you proud.”
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