HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 97

Fiction: Group 3
Pearl’s face brightened. The radiant glow of her face had appeared.
“Good idea!” Sky and Pearl said together.
“Thank you so much for helping us solve the problem, Jessie. What do you want? Tell us anytime if you
want anything,” Pearl said.
“I hope both of you can successfully carrying out the plan. Also, I want to go back to my home. Oh no!
How long have I stayed here? My mum will be looking for me for… years?” I asked.
“Oh, we can send you back to where you came from at the time you opened the black box. Keep the box
so you can come here anytime!” Pearl said.
Suddenly, I felt my body floating in midair. My eyelids were as heavy as stones and I closed my eyes.
When I woke up, I found myself lying next to the black box. I picked up the box and went back home. A
few days later, I found out everyone was talking about the pollution problem. The plan succeeded!
Now, Pearl River Delta was a really green place, with a lot of trees and a lot of grasslands and a modern
futuristic city too.
My adventure gave me an idea of establishing this company. This is the end of my story.
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