hakeel Nawaz, Director of
Escapade Sports says,
“Children often sign up for
sports that their parents
have never played, so everyone in
the family needs guidance on how
to choose correctly-fitted equipment
and safety gear. For example, you
do not ‘grow into’ a larger hockey
stick; a hockey stick that is higher
than a child’s navel can be extremely
dangerous if it pushes into a child’s
stomach. Rugby scrum caps should
be tried on as every head shape is
different. The list goes on.”
For many children the new school term means trying a new sport. If your child
is about to start playing rugby or hockey, make sure they have the right gear.
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Rugby essentials checklist
1. Mouthguard
2. Boots – ensure you have the correct
type of outer soles for the surfaces
you are playing on
3. Rugby ball
4. Scrum cap
Body Protection is considered
optional but is highly recommended.
The typical cost to outfit your junior
rugby player with the essentials starts
at around $1,000.
Hockey Essentials Checklist
1. Hockey stick – correctly fitted
2. Shin pads - Umpires will not let
players on the pitch without hockey
shin guards, which are much bigger
and wider than soccer shin pads.
3. Mouthguard
4. Shoes
A stick bag/backpack is also
essential as it makes the trek with an
inconveniently shaped stick easier, and
your child is more likely to carry it.
The typical cost to outfit your junior
hockey player with the essentials
starts at around $1,000.
And for both sports, it is very much
recommended to buy extra shorts
and socks as these are always the
first things to go missing!
Escapade Sports has shops in
Causeway Bay, Clearwater Bay,
Repulse Bay and Central. Or you
can conveniently shop online at