reading signals. This affects intimate
relationships most. Consent is central
to this; if the young person cannot
read their partner’s signals it is very
important that we teach them to always
ask for consent. For example “Can I
kiss you?”, even if it feels weird to ask.
What are some common
misconceptions among parents?
Many believe that young people
within the autism spectrum masturbate
more than others, but that is simply
because they are easier to detect
than others. Therefore, we must
teach them what is private, what
is not private. When we talk about
where to masturbate I sometimes
use green and red patches. Green is
home, alone in your own room or in
the bathroom. Green areas are okay.
Red is the school’s toilet, classroom,
restaurant and so on. Red is not okay.
Another stereotype is that teenagers
on the spectrum are either asexual or
obsessed. For the majority, they have
similar desires, curiosity and needs as
other typical teenagers.
What are the ‘must knows’?
It’s simple – start talking about sex
early. Many children within the autism
spectrum have difficulty understanding
the difference between what you can do
at home and at school. Parents should
also talk about and look at pictures
of body parts with their children. Talk
about what is private, what is not
private; what can you do at home, that
you cannot do in school.
It’s also important to know that
some antidepressants have a negative
effect on sexuality. I urge parents to
consult closely with physicians to use
the lowest possible dose and never
combine two different antidepressants.
Some side effects may be that your
child will get a weaker or stronger sex
drive, difficulty getting an erection and
delayed ejaculation. Also ask about any
psychiatric drugs and their interaction
with the sexual function.
The main issue is to accept that
young people with ASD have sexual
needs, and to provide them with
information about boundaries and
inappropriate sexual behaviours,
and enhance their judgement about
sexuality. After all, a healthy attitude
towards sex is part of the quality of life.
September 2016