Playtimes Nov 2013 - page 91

is that not all hair follicles are “active”
at any one time, and only active hair
follicles can be destroyed by IPL.
Inactive hair follicles can be treated
as they become active over time. I
also learnt that while permanent hair
removal with IPL can be pretty much
guaranteed in the lower leg, bikini
and underarm areas after
approximately six sessions, IPL is
usually offered as a maintenance
solution for facial hair, with clients
returning every few months for
top-up treatments. This is because
body hair is tough genetic hair we all
have, whereas facial hair in women
(particularly on the jawline and upper
lip) is usually governed by fluctuating
hormones, and is therefore more
Over the last few months, I have
had IPL on my chin and jawline
every six weeks and have noticed a
satisfying reduction in the coarseness
and number of hairs, which fall out
quicker every time. (The shaft of the
hair slowly works its way out of the
epidermis after the papilla is zapped.)
I am also no longer distressed by
ingrown hairs, which I had previously
endured as a result of tweezing. While
the results are not as dramatic or
permanent as I would have liked,
I intend to continue with IPL as a
bimonthly maintenance plan.
Convinced of IPL’s hair-
removing benefits, I became
curious about its photorejuvenation
abilities, which we tried out on sun
damage over the bridge of my nose.
Almost immediately, the blotchy
freckles darkened and became more
noticeable. But a few days later, they
literally flaked off, leaving me with
clear, unmarked skin. Would IPL’s
efficacy on sun-related pigmentation
be as impressive in treating melasma?
Unfortunately, it’s a bit more
complicated, as most things involving
hormones seem to be.
“IPL is most effective on
superficial pigmentation, such as
freckles and sun damage,” explains
Justine. “However, some of the newer
medical-grade machines also address
hormonal pigmentation such as
melasma found in the skin’s deeper
layers. If pigmentation is obvious
during pregnancy, then staying out
of the sun is crucial, as is starting
a good vitamin C routine (key to
the production of collagen and cell
repair). IPL during pregnancy is
safe, but there is no guarantee that it
will remove hormonal pigmentation.
I would recommend asking your
therapist for a test patch.”
I have previously tried waxing,
plucking and depilatory creams to
remove unwanted hair from my
chinny-chin-chin, and have endured
ingrown hairs, redness and even
mild chemical burns as a result. IPL
has definitely proved to be the most
effective method over time, with zero
side effects. I still long for a permanent
solution, but at least you won’t catch
me under the big top, cast as The
Bearded Woman, any time soon.
November 2013
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