HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 119

Adventures in the Gobi desert
Harrow International Hong Kong, Jonathan Lau, Fiction: Group 3
From the Authors of “Escape from the Great Wall”
There’s a place known as the Gobi Desert. It was midnight, for the moon was guiding the way for
travellers and refugees including two prominent figures; there was a man wearing rags, called Li
Wang riding a scaly Dragon. They were refugees, who were fleeing from the terrible rule of Qi Shi
Huang Di, who forced innocent souls to build his Great Wall of China.
“We should find a safe place to rest in the desert”, proclaimed Li Wang.
“What about those rocks over there?” asked the Dragon. Just looming over them, stood 3 gigantic
rock formations. The Dragon flapped his wings towards the rocks and landed on one of them.
“According to the stars, I think we are in Mongolia” spoke Li Wang.
“I will guard the rocks to keep us safe. Li Wang, you’ll need rest!” boomed the Dragon.
In the dream, they heard a soft whisper, “Come here to your mother and father!”
Li Wang had woken up by the voice. He was shock as he had always thought that his parents
were dead. Li Wang then crept to where the voice was.
“Come here! Follow me…”
Li Wang looked but there was no one. Suddenly, he heard something flew above him. He saw
the Dragon flying, following the unknown voices.
“Stop Dragon! These voices aren’t real! They’re our enemies!” The dragon disappeared behind
the Altai Mountains.
Li Wang was thirsty, for he had not drunk for some time. He started to hear some voices
invading his mind. Li Wang collapsed. Hallucinations intruded his brain forcing him to feel
camels eating his flesh. Then he fell…, everything went black…
When Li Wang opened his eyes, he found that he was in a white hut (Yurt). It took time for Li
Wang to adjust to the sunlight that was coming from a hole in the roof. The floor was grassy and
lush instead of sandy and dull. Just then, a man wearing ancient robes entered the Yurt.
“I’m Gondi, chief of this tribe. We’re called Nomads, as we move from one place to another.
Right now, we are next to a place known as the Crescent Oasis. You are extremely lucky, you
could have died as Gobi desert temperatures can be -43C!”
Li Wang was speechless as he was too tired to speak. Soon Gondi gave drinks, like Hormog to
Li Wang. When Li Wang told Gondi about how he escaped from China and lost his Dragon by a
mysterious voice, Gondi’s expression changed.
“He’d got tricked by those voices?” said Gondi, “If anyone follows those voices, they shall
never been seen ever again! Lot’s of travellers have followed this fate in the past years. These
travellers got lost from their companions; then those voices will misguide them thinking it’s their
loved one and they will die in a horrendous fate! I can’t help you that much, but some say that the
voices are from the Mogao caves. Many travellers have followed the voices there and got trapped.
You will have to go carefully as that area is very near China.
“No!” cried Li Wang, “I can’t go there!” Just then, a lady stepped into the Yurt.
“Hi father!” she greeted.
“This is Khulan, my daughter. She could go with you to the Mogao caves.” said Gondi,
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