HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 120

“Khulan, this man, Li Wang has lost the Dragon as it got lost by following the voices. Help him by
accompanying him to the cave.” “Yes father.” Khulan said obediently.
“I shall give you this pearl. With this pearl, you can make a wish, not another more. However,
this pearl will only work at your worst moments. You may go now!” said Gondi. Then Li Wang and
Khulan left the Yurt camp and went to the Mogao caves.
It was a terrible journey for Li Wang and Khulan. Despite the haunting sandstorms, they made
it to the Mogao caves along a popular trading route Khulan knew called the Silk Road there.
“Is this the cave?” asked Li Wang, “There is no other cave.”
The cave had structures like rooms and it also had stairs and balconies. A large sand structure
marked one of the many entrances.
“We’ve to keep quiet!” Khulan whispered, “We don’t know if there is any danger awaiting us!”
They entered the cave through dark rooms and endless corridors. Finally they entered a room
full of gold.
“Khulan!” sneered Li Wang, “If we take the gold from the cave, we’ll be rich and famous!” Li
Wang then jumped onto the gold and started putting some in his sack.
“Li Wang!” cried Khulan, “Stop!”
“QUIET!” Li Wang roared. Suddenly, Li Wang felt a huge pain in his heart.
“I’m sorry!” Li Wang pleaded.
“Li Wang. You were tempted. Temptations aren’t only produced by words but also by things!”
Khulan told Li Wang, “Keep moving!”
Li Wang and Khulan stumbled into an enormous dark chamber. The room was decorated in a
Gobi desert style.
“What’s this place?” asked Li Wang.
“I’ve no idea!” trembled Khulan. There were slight eerie sounds of moaning.
“Should we leave?” cried Li Wang.
“I don’t know…” Khulan whispered
Li Wang crept into the room. He saw a large looming shape in front of him.
“Khulan!” Li Wang whispered loudly, “ My friend’s here!”
“How do we free him?” wondered Khulan. Khulan saw that the dragon was laying on his back
with three large chains locked him to its place.
Meanwhile, five large Chinese guards entered the room. One of the guards was Da Shun,
the leader.
Li Wang shouted, “No! It’s Da Shun!”
“So, you’re here! I told you I’ll see you again!” boomed Da Shun, “Guards! Finish them off!”
The guards stormed toward Li Wang and Khulan.
“Help!” cried Khulan as a guard dragged her to Da Shun. Da Shun took out a blade and
stabbed Khulan dead.
“No!” cried Li Wang. He tried to run to Khulan but a guard carried her outside the cave.
Suddenly, Li Wang heard some voices again. Li Wang thought it would tempt him but instead it
was telling him something,
“Go into the dragon’s jaws and put the pearl into his heart!”
Li Wang climbed onto the dragon’s scaly jaws.
“Get out of there!” bellowed Da Shun. Li Wang then jumped into the dragon’s mouth. Da Shun
tried to pull Li Wang out but Li Wang was already deep inside the dragon.
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