HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 152

years ago, one of the enlightened people who had inhabited this world before it was taken away
by you sinful and materialistic people. People like you who had driven us away to our deaths. But
now, I shall take revenge. I shall kill all of you and call my people back. The fight between good
and evil rages on, Harold. And this time, the good ones will survive and the evil ones will perish.
You shall be one of my many prey… Prepare to die, Harold.”
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. All I could take in was the smell of strong acid and the
smoking solution Uncle Bernard was holding. I wanted to stop him. To shake him and tell snap
him back to his old self, but I couldn’t as the last thing I saw was a glowing red eyes and the
liquid splashing to my face as I screamed in pain and blacked out… maybe forever.
“Another dead body has been found in the middle of the Gobi Desert, this time of a 16-year-
old teenage boy who was also found with his face distorted. It was said that the boy was clutching
a paper in his hands, a paper which might have hinted that this boy knew what was going on at
the time he was killed, and has helped the police with further investigations.”
What it said on the paper:
Multiple Personality disorder is a disease when a person has two split personalities states that
continually have power over the person’s behavior. Symptoms may include sleeping disorders such
as sleepwalking and mood swings. The person is no longer in control of their own body. Some
people may also define this as being possessed.
Don’t worry, Uncle Bernard. I’ll save you.
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