HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 153

Rodera’s Journey
HKMA David Li Kwok Po College, Scott Chow, Fiction: Group 3
nce upon a time, there was a kingdom in a place called Maradera, where people were
living happily and full of joy. However, the prince of that kingdom, called Rodera, did
nothing every day. He was just interested in playing and sleeping, which made the King
worry because as he was getting older and older, he worried he would die suddenly
one day and he had to pass the crown to his useless son and the whole kingdom would collapse
because of his son’s attitude. So, the King had planned a way to arouse his son’s ability.
The King pretended that he had got a serious disease and was about to die. The news woke
Rodera up one afternoon and he was so nervous and worried about his father he ran quickly to
the King’s room to see what had happened to him. The King had ordered the doctor next to him
before hand to lie to Rodera and he said in a serious tone, “Your dad has got a serious disease
and is about to die. In order to save him, we need a dinosaur egg from the Gobi desert, a week’s
journey away. After Rodera had heard the method of saving his dad, he asked his servants to
prepare some food and water and also a horse for him to travel to the Gobi desert to find the
dinosaur eggs.
Rodera started his journey to the Gobi desert the next day, but the weather was hot and stuffy.
He became so tired and almost got sunstroke but he told himself that he couldn’t give up so
easily because his dad’s life was in his hands and if he gave up now, then his dad would die after
a week, so he continued his journey. After 3 days, Rodera had already finished all the food and
water that he had brought with him and he had nearly arrived the Gobi desert. Rodera followed
the map to find the dinosaur egg in the Gobi desert and he tried and tried but he still couldn’t
find it and he was feeling terribly hungry. Just when he was feeling hopeless, he saw something
shining in front of him then he walked towards it and that was the thing that he had been looking
for, it was the dinosaur egg. Then, he quickly went back to Maradera without taking any rest and
wanted to give the dinosaur egg to the doctor as soon as possible to cure his father.
After 2 days, Rodera had finally gone back to Maradera and everybody was so shocked
because they wouldn’t imagine that Rodera could complete his task and bring back the dinosaur
egg by himself. Then, Rodera quickly ran into his father’s room and the King was still pretending
as he knew that Rodera had come back already from the Gobi desert. Rodera showed the King
what he had brought back from the Gobi desert and the King was so touched because he didn’t
know that his son could also do meaningful things and not just sleep and play all the time as in
the past. The King then told the truth to Rodera that he actually didn’t have any disease. At first
the King thought his son would be mad at him after he told him the truth but strangely Rodera
didn’t get angry and said thank you to his dad as he knew that was because his father wanted him
to grow up and inherit his crown one day.
This journey to the Gobi desert made Rodera learn a lot and after that he also changed from
a person who only knew playing and sleeping to a person that helped his father with managing
the kingdom, which made the King so relieved. After a few years, the King died and the crown
was passed to Rodera and he didn’t disappoint his father and managed the kingdom so well and
all people in Maradera honored him so much. With his ruling of the Kingdom, people were living
even more happily than before, there weren’t any crimes and his name was remembered by the
people even after a century.
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