HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 236

sacrificed. Only then the humans shall live.”
Without thinking I nodded, raising my hand. I stopped still; this action would be the cause of
my death. What had I done? Why was I sacrificing myself to save the people who had been so cold
and cruel to me?
I don’t know whether it was the fact that my village wouldn’t ever need or miss me or if I had
simply forgiven them, but I confirmed the deal.
“Are you sure?” she asked, eyes gleaming. I hugged Ababu. I saw admiration in her eyes.
Closing them, she breathed heavily. “Ababu will live.”
“Very well then. What would be your method of death?”
I stood at the edge of the cliff, breathing in the air. My last breath. I glanced at Ababu who
tried to smile. I looked back at the horizon. This was it. This was the end. “Goodbye, world.” I
whispered. At that, I jumped, plummeting down the cliff. I felt the wind in my face then the crash
of the impact. And then there was nothing.
I died that day. My soul, floating up in the clouds. I’m finally happy now. However, I had to
suffer watching the plants and animals die. News of my sacrifice spread around, finally people
knew me. Tears were shed for me, some from strangers. All the wildlife is gone. But new ones are
coming. My region finally got a name. Gori Desert. Through the passage of time, from generation
to generation, the name…
Gobi Desert.
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