HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 242

New Tales of the Gobi Desert
King George V School, Glenn Lee, Fiction: Group 3
Once upon a time, in a land far away called the Gobi Desert, there lived a boy named Oochinata.
He was a nomadic orphan with a lot of friends. He was a child shepherd, and he loved his sheep.
One day, while the sheep were grazing and he was resting, he felt something hard and
small under his hand. He picked the object up. It was a ring. It was made of pure gold, and
was shimmering in the soft afternoon sunlight. He held the ring up and observed it for a few
moments. It didn’t look like a trap, so Oochinata put the ring on. Instantly, he saw every single
piece of information that the world’s knowledge could offer. He tried to take the ring off, but it
simply wouldn’t. Finally he just gave up. He went back to his village with his sheep and went
to bed. In his dream, he heard a mysterious voice. It said: “Find your parents, they are not dead.
Beware of the darkness that lies ahead. Your allies will finally come to an end. Listen to the ring,
which tells you the way, though it may not seek a word to say.”
The next morning, he went up to his two best friends Ottayo and Massia. They said that they
both had the same dream. So they discussed for a long time. Then they finally decided to go on a
quest to where the ring points.
On the next day, they packed things they would need for crossing a desert. However, Ottayo
needed to bring twice as much food, because he likes to eat a lot. They set off at dawn, so they
would have more time to travel and less food to waste.
On the way, they were following wherever the ring points. On the surface of the ring, he saw
some letters appearing. It said: “100 Kilometers to destination.” They were lucky that Massia was
brought up by the English teachers in the village, so she could speak English. She translated it to
Mongol, so the others could understand. Oochinata sighed. It would take a long time for them to
travel there, especially across a desert.
That night, they set up a tent so they all could sleep in. They were discussing more deeply
about what the riddle meant. They have thought for a few hours, but they still came up with no
answer. So finally they gave up.
In Oochinata’s dream, he heard the mysterious voice again. But this time, it had a different
message to deliver. It said: “You must complete this mission alone, and I must repeat, let your
allies go, you shall face the darkness in an endless maze, but at the end, one shall raze.”
The next morning, Oochinata and his friends arrived on the road just in time for the breakfast
cart. The owner of the breakfast cart was called Ocolato. He always gave kids that came to his cart
a 50% off, because he liked kids very much.
When the three kids set off again, they noticed that the ring was shining. They thought that
it was a sign, and were right. The ring was glowing because they are close to where they could
find a clue. They walked a few more miles and they found out that the ring was glowing like a
sun. Oochinata bent down and touched the hot sand. Instantly, there was a mark embedded into
the ground. Then, there was a stone wall rising from the bottom of the ground. There were some
words carved into the stone. It said:
You are the one to kill the man
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