HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 245

The New Tales of the Gobi Desert
King George V School, Hoi Ching Leung, Fiction: Group 3
tella is a photographer in training. Her job is to take photos and give them to the CEO, and
he might put it on a magazine. Well, today was a bright sunny October morning, and she
woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing. She grudgingly got out of bed brushed
her teeth and made herself breakfast. As she sipped a cup of coffee, she switched on her
laptop, an e-mail popped up that read “URGENT”. Interested, she clicked on it, the e-mail read:
Dear Stella,
Would you like to go to the Gobi desert to do a document about animals? If you would, you
will stay there for around a week. And you will leave tomorrow morning. You should take photos
of animals and also the environment. You will be staying in a Mongolian yurt with a satellite, in
a friendly Mongolian village; with a partner to help you with your adventure (I’ll introduce her to
you today). You should be able to find the rare Gobi bear and other endangered animals with the
help of locals.
From Bert (CEO of natural xxxxxxxx).
“Wow…… I’m going to go to Mongolia! With a partner too!” Stella murmured excitedly. She
pumped her fist in the air, full of energy.
Stella whistled and hummed the tune of the latest pop song, as she walked down the sidewalk
toward the bus stop. She passed by a few joggers doing their morning jog, a little girl walking her
poodle. Stella was breathing in the crisp autumn air, when she suddenly heard a roar of engine
behind her. She turned and saw bus 29, the bus she usually takes to work. She turned and sprinted
to the direction of the bus stop, panting, she slowed down. She had forgotten how much people
there were at the bus stop, all waiting for the bus. As Stella got on the bus, she was thankful that
someone had invented air conditioning.
As Stella got off the bus and walked toward the building, she thought about how many
different types of animals she can see. Wow! she thought I might be able to see the rare Gobi bear,
the black tailed gazelles, marbled polecats, Bactrian camels, jerboa’s and snow leopards! Stella
almost squealed with joy.
Ding! Stella stepped into the lift, and drummed her fingers on her used lilac canvas bag as she
waited for the lift to bring her up to the 20th floor where the office was. She quickened her pace
as stepped out of the lift door.
“Good morning everyone!” Stella chirped cheerfully as she waved to her colleagues.
“O! Hello Stella, your partner is arriving now, why don’t you sit in the conference room and
wait for her first? Wait, never mind I think here she comes!” Bert replied.
“Hello Bert! Sorry I’m late……” The partner stopped as she spotted Stella.
“Millie!” Stella cried.
“Stella!” Millie cried.
“Oh?! So you two know each other?” Bert chuckled, eyebrows raised.
“Oh yes, we were best buds in Primary before!” Both of them exclaimed in unison, smiling
like their mouths were going to fall out.
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