HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 321

and huffing until she saw a canteen, she quickly rotated the cap, and drank from it. Over here, it
was always bright and beautiful, and the sand was never black. The camels were your friends, and
would not nibble on your blood, unlike those electronic mice.
This sudden realization came to her as a surprise, which was interrupted by a text that read:
‘Trip over. Return to Headquarters.’
As she left the door, she turned her torchlights on, and was looking for the exit, when she saw
her lipstick mark. When she was sliding down, she left a long mark on the side of the stairway,
and reminiscing the times, she climbed up.
As she left the hole, the once black and dull desert now turned bright, and there was light
everywhere! She saw little mice running and little desert rabbits hopping around. One even
knocked her over. The last thing she saw was a bright green stand that read in yellow font, ‘Thank
you for visiting the Gobi Desert, come again!’
Falling on the soft black sand, she closed her eyes, and when she woke up, she could see the
outline of her mom coming into her room, bringing her breakfast.
“Anyan sweetie, it’s nice to see you awake. Now hurry up, Aunt Clare will be coming soon, so
eat your pancakes and get dressed!”
“What happened to the bunnies, mom?”
“Bunnies? What bunnies?”
“Oh never mind. It’s an adventure I’d like to keep to myself,” Anyan said, slyly smiling to herself.
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