HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 505

“Let your natural senses guide you. Your blood is from your ancestors that once lived in the
Gobi desert. It knows the Gobi desert; it is part of the Gobi desert. Deep inside, you know the Gobi
desert because you, we, us snakes, were all once part of the Gobi desert,” he paused
“Gobi desert is a place where the souls of our ancestors lay, it is the Elysium of the blessed
souls, of nature. Let your ancestors guide you…” Harry’s voice faded away.
The sun was setting when I woke up from my dream. The sky seemed toughly smudged and
dyed into a dark shade of violet. I still had Harry’s voice ringing in my ears, and something told
me that Harry has actually talked to me; it wasn’t just any other dream. I looked around, dazed.
I have to go away I thought to myself.
Let your natural senses guide you…
I heard Harry’s voice ringing in my ears. My natural senses?
I closed my eyes, and I concentrated on the nature.
I heard the gentle breeze bristle against my skin. The sensation tickled me. I felt something
watching me, hearing me, feeling me. It was a pleasant feeling. The creature hummed in my ears,
and I felt my senses relaxing. As I relaxed, I slowly opened my eyes.
I was flying.
I was shoulder to shoulder with a ….. Was I dying? I wasn’t sure. I looked around, and felt a
pair of smooth thick trunks wrapping themselves around my body. It should’ve surprised me, but I
didn’t flinch. It all felt so natural and relaxing.
My eyes ran along the beautiful curve of the thicker trunk to find a pair of eyes looking back
at me. They were my eyes, the lightly shaded eyes, but without the resentment and questions; they
were resembling peace.
The other trunk had my mustard colored skin that led to another pair of eyes that I have once
forgotten, but never quite left my heart.
Mom? I called. She smiled reassuringly, and wrapped me tightly, as if to show her delight.
I looked at my pair of eyes.
Dad looked at me, and likewise, smiled.
I noticed all the snakes around me. There were snakes that had my habit, my smile, even
my tongue.
They were my family, my ancestors that were captured from the Gobi desert generations before
by humans; the humans that kept us for their enjoyment, and never spared us a shed of sunlight.
All my family had been sacrificed against their will.
It was now time to go back.
As I looked beneath me I saw an endless sea of yellow sand. I could almost communicate with
the desert; I felt its feelings, the thoughts, and its soft whispers of welcome.
My family landed me on the soft layer of a small mound of sand, and without any last words,
disappeared out of my sight.
But not from my heart.
Here I am I told the Gobi desert.
It seemed to celebrate my arrival, applaud at my achieving of my destiny.
If you ever go to the Gobi desert and listen carefully to the nature, and only if you listen with
enough passion, you will hear a distant hum.
The hum of the snake that once lived elsewhere.
The hum of the souls that belonged to the Gobi desert that could only return after their deaths.
And the hum of the Gobi desert; the nature.
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