HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 508

I wish I were a camel. They can traverse it with no damage. They transform food into fat.
They are lucky. Horses may be cleverer and more beautiful, but camels have the chance of
survival. Life is unfair.
You are two-faced. A horrible two-faced invention. You’ve got a white winter and a hot
summer. But that’s it. You change side constantly. Even though you have received love from
the creatures that inhabit your core and your edges, you still try to eliminate them. Guardians
have been created: golden eagles that snatch Jerboas, innocent rodents. You have an interesting
biodiversity because they’ve got used to you. Wolves, camels, lizards, oxen, birds; they have all
lived under your commands. But again you are two-sided. You have created a weak side: your
edges. They are rough; they have mountains. Gobi bears and snow leopards live there because you
let them.
You forgot though...and you didn’t remember. Where life can be easily sustained, humans can
be as well. Life was given to humans too, and they turned their back on you. Gobi bears have
almost disappeared and snow leopards are endangered.
Thinking that humans are your friends is insane, but time-by-time, they are eating your flesh
at your far corners. Your heart is evil, deserted, but your mind is vulnerable.
I’m going back there because I can’t escape, you have eluded me.
Gobi, understand me. What’s the point of living, when you don’t know you’re living?
Listen to me. Gobi, you don’t have power, you’re weak. Gobi, you’re losing.
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