HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 499

already talking with Tommy about how to grow plants on the soil when I do manage to make
them, Noah was helping me design a rainfall enhancer to increase the rain in the desert so that
the plants could actually grow here without relying on us watering it constantly, our power source
was going to be solar power when Lance got the materials but for now we’re running on a noisy
diesel generator.
Bad news, my prototype didn’t work out as well as expected, and although my colleagues
are patting me on the back and saying it was a good try, I know this project counted on that
prototype. I’m going to probably redesign it taking into account some other factors that Janice
shared with me. I didn’t know I missed them, but they were the biologists’ ‘rule of thumb’ so I
couldn’t have known. Anyway, the machine that I was discussing with Noah was dubbed as “Rain
maker” by some other graduates that were also part of this. The name was appropriate as the
purpose of it was quite literally making it rain.
I got called to the meeting room, everyone was there. And Jim said, “So, how is it going for all
of you?” Janice replied, “Good, though we’re going to need Adam’s machine in order to implement
some of the plants we’re going to be using here.” Noah said, “We’ll be all set meteorologically if we
get the ‘rain maker’ started.” Tommy said, “Same thing here too, we’ll be all set soon.” Jim then
said, “How about you then, Ryan?” I replied, “I’d be able to fix them as soon as more materials
arrive and Lance assembles them.
It’s been almost 9 years, and now as I stand here, at the sign that says “Welcome to Gobiopolis.
In my head I say to myself, “I feel like I’ve done something, and all the little things the team
have done are still there, the underground “rain maker” that occasionally pops out according
to a schedule, the solar farms on the outskirts of town. I feel proud that this is what we have
accomplished. Janice then comes over and holds my hand in hers. Looking at the sunset, I could
say that this project was the one that I wouldn’t have missed for the world. Looking back at
the start, all the time and all those arithmetic equations, those chemical formulas……. This is
something that is worth all those years of hardship, all those years of studying at school. If I was
going to die this second, I would die happy, knowing I have made homes and made hundreds of
thousands of lives with their own stories to be told.
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