HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 794

Hugh live without the bulky guilty weight of murder amongst his shoulders.
All of the gazelles looked towards him solemnly. Even Camilla suppressed her tears, next to
Carrott, who refused to look at him. Hugh blinked with confusion. When at last, one gazelle spoke.
“You are our leader now.” Albie murmured, his voice crumpled and torn. Hugh’s senses hit
him. He was the son of Rhys, and by tradition he would be leader. Hugh would become leader
when Rhys should be.
“No.” He said firmly. Carrott looked up in surprise-all the gazelles became unsettled.
“But you must be!” The same strong male that opposed Hugh at his fathers death spoke up, a
tone of panic in his voice.
“It just feels wrong!” Hugh screeched. Silence fell once again. All of a sudden, Iris appeared at
his shoulder.
“Its what Rhys would have wanted.”
Hugh turned and closed his eyes. The new leader walked away into the cave.
“Yes, of course, Ozzie. Thank you.”
Hugh dismissed the bulky male with a wave of his hoof. Hugh was in the cave, dark He curled
up and stared at the sand, limp left leg sticking out awkwardly. The gazelles were relaxed and laid
back, playing games and sleeping. Hugh dawdled on other, more serious things. How come Rhys
never told him anything? He always ignored him-but then again, he hated Hugh. He just wished
that Hugh could try again, and be the strong son that Rhys wanted him to be. But to mess with
wishes is what he was taught never to do. Hugh rolled around,and fell into a deep, troubled slumber.
“Hugh? Hugh!”
Troubled screams rose to his ears, and Hugh started. He jumped out of the cave, looking
around in horror.
Ten Gobi bears raged around his home that he had lived his terrible, best and saddest
moments. The bears, from what Hugh was told, preyed on insects, lizards, and dry bushes.
Usually, they stayed in their own place or wherever. But all of the Tribe of Endless Sand were
rearing, bucking, kicking against the strong monsters. They weren’t eating, but...why?
Hugh reared and whinnied into the dusk sun, galloping forwards towards Carrott, who was
struggling. Aiming his enemy in the chest, Hugh put as much of his power as possible. The bear
lurched, and Carrott, more stable with Hugh, kicked its head towards the ground. Finally, the bear
lumbered away, as a victorious, bruised Carrott thanked Hugh with a nod of his head, and rushed
to help Skylar.
Hugh looked around for a certain gazelle that needed help. Alexus and Ozzie were alright, the
strong gazelle with him. But something caught his eye. Hugh gasped.
Iris stood, rearing at a particularly fierce Gobi bear, the fire dancing in her eyes. Camilla
crouched behind her, bruises covering her skin. Iris had torn her fur, bleeding in a few places. The
Gobi bear raised, with a brutish sort of expression on its face. It pounded down on the female,
crushing her skull and bones.
A hatred rose in Hugh that one had never rose before-he felt more closer to Iris then Rhys. She
was kind, loving…Hugh bolted towards her, but there was nothing he could do. The crumpled, rag
that was Iris couldn’t be dead...she just couldn’t be…
* * *
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