Fiction: Group 3
Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Woodward, James - 13, Fiction: Group 3
n the bank of the river delta known as the Pearl River delta, stood a boy in his early teens. He was
15, he had the muscular build of a well-rounded boy, he was handsome and smart, but he had
one downfall, he had never been to school. To him, school was a waste of time, a place where so
called knowledgeable adults constantly tell you what to do, he hated and despised school, not because of the
teachers or the homework, but because he thought it took away creativity, as the endless lessons welded
your brain to dust, slowly and gradually you would forget about the things that really mattered.
Warwick secondary school was a special type of school, it was close to the river bank and so
children would come out and play beside the cool and soothing water. This school was cheap, dirty cheap.
The principal was a man who was all money; he would sacrifice everything to get more of his precious
money he wanted so much and because of his ruthless acts of cruelty, it would one day lead to an accident
that would change his life forever.
In the basement of the house six blocks away, a group of men who called themselves the Serpents
were having a lively discussion. They were planning on building a bridge over the Pearl River delta that
would connect both sides of the river delta. This project was to completed by a company called seid
constructions, this company was funded by the Serpents 10 years ago and they have developed into a
growing company with businesses.
The boy, standing next to the river gushing and swallowing the sunshine it was constantly being
fed, his name was Alex. Alex knew something that others did not, and the knowledge that he held was a
burden, something he tried to forget every time he fell asleep. It was a normal day in March and he was
busy not going to school, he was walking on the sidewalk when he heard some screams of horror coming
from the schools rooftop. He frantically rushed into the school compound and raced up the stairs, he had
been here before, and he was familiar with the place. The shouting had now stopped, and Alex got to the
roof just in time to see the principal and another man haul a lifeless body into a storage room. Alex held his
breath as they passed him and walked down the stairs, they had not even noticed him hiding behind the
stairs. Alex saw his chance and he grabbed it immediately, once they were gone he slowly and silently crept
towards the storage room in a hope that he would find the missing body that the principal and man had
hauled inside. He tried the doorknob, it wasn’t locked, good. He walked inside and he turned on the light,
what he saw astonished him, a great big pipe was set into the wall in front of him, he was scared but he had
to uncover the truth and so he overcame his fears and sled down the pipe that would take him to the body.
The pipe was made of hard plastic that was baby blue and looked very friendly, but once he got to the end
of the ride, he knew he was in for something bad.
He looked around; all he saw was cardboard boxes that had a serpentine entwined around a gun.
This scared him, for he wondered if it was possible he had found the serpent headquarters. Many
assassinations had occurred in the last two years and they all led to the serpentine, however nobody was able
to find out what and where it was happening until now. Two men with guns walked at a fast pace towards
him. Alex quickly ducked behind an enormous box that would hide him completely. The two men had
passed he ran towards the security doors and hid behind a shelf next to it, he would need to get in and to do
so he needed a passcode that would open the doors to the mystery. A smart looking man who was walking
down the aisle now would also need a passcode, he dialled 7145 and the door opened. Alex knew what to
do now, he waited until the man had passed then walked up to the door and input the keys of the code.
7145 and the doors were open. What now lay in front of him was horrific, three men were poking a child
with hot irons and were forcing him to talk into a phone. Alex guessed what it was, ransom. The serpents
had owned seid constructions but it was no warehouse, it was a lab that contained more than ten test
subjects, some were weak and some were still struggling in the chains. Alex had to do something or these
children would die and millions of dollars would be taken by the serpentine and used for many more terrible
things. Then he saw the principal, he was dressed in a jet black suit with a snake mask that covered his head
and a gun that had a test tube encased inside it that would do terrible things to people.
Alex had waited for three hours, his legs were stiff and wobbly, and his head was getting sleepy. He
was afraid of moving in case the men saw him and captured him with the rest of them. After another thirty
five minutes of gruelling stillness, the men finally left and closed the door behind them, Alex moved from