HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 225

Fiction: Group 3
She saw the beginnings of perturbation unfurl around him, and was
frightened but determined. Communication was a wonderful thing. She had interacted with the Pearl River
and had discerned love. Now, she wanted to love. She placed her little white hands on the sides of his face
and pressed her lips to his forehead, straining to remove his distress and instill upon him the clear water of
springtide. She felt him shiver as all tension left his body. He was frail, and his demeanor was that of a
child’s. She whispered words in a soothing rhythm, as if taming a beast. The injustice
Da Jie
and mother had
shown reduced into a fleeting memory. For the first time in her life, she was not weak, nor was she the
dependent. She had taken one disgraced from humanity into her bosom.
Two people had found strength in each other, and concluded their
reliance on the Pearl River Delta. For in its impartial eyes, everyone is given equal opportunities. Amidst
the odds, the crippled and the crude are moving towards a better world, and the Pearl River Delta is
depending on them.
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