Fiction: Group 3
his hiding spot and walked towards the wall of chains, most were knocked out and a few of them bled. With
a swift glance he edged closer towards a table and found a bundle of keys that he presumed were to unlock
the chains. One by one unlocked the chains and some children instantly ran while others collapsed to the
floor in fear. After a long hour he finally managed to get the children out through a secret hatch he had
found in the wall and outside into the dark. He was too occupied with getting the victims to safety that he
never noticed the four cameras in the corners of the room that were constantly videoing and taking pictures
of Alex’s face, the serpents knew, the principal was watching.
The next day, he assumed the worst was over and that he would have a peaceful night’s sleep, but
at around two o’clock in the morning he was hit on the head with a hammer and was knocked out instantly.
He was taken to a lab where people with the serpentine symbol worked on him. When he woke up, he
found that he was in a laboratory and nobody was in the room. He tried to move his arms and legs but he
couldn’t because they were strapped to the desk. On his left however, he noticed a knife with a string
attached to it. He tugged on the string and the knife came loose and cut his left arm strap which allowed
him to move it about freely and undo his right arm strap. After two minutes of struggling, he was finally out
and free to move. As he began to explore his murky prison, he stood next to a door and heard voices,
holding a gun he had found after he escaped, he slowly and carefully walked down the steps and into a
room. In the room, he saw three men, one of them the principal, they were talking about how to extract
the chemicals from the water in the river delta. “Hey!” he shouted. “Hands up in the air, or ill shoot,”
terrified, the three men walked towards him and out the door under my command. He tried calling the
police but there was no reception, He saw a window and looked out and saw a fish. I understood why the
police never did find serpentine headquarters and why my phone had no signal, it was because we were in
fact under the delta.
I dialled again and this time I got through. I told them the good news and they overjoyed by the
fact that a kid had infiltrated the serpentine. The three men were arrested as well as the other serpentines
who worked for them, as the police left, the offered me a word of thanks for keeping the peace next to the
pearl river delta.
No. I don’t think school is a waste of time. It was only because of my terrible past experiences that
I have always tried to avoid the school life solely because of this. All those reasons, they aren’t true, I think
school is a wonderful place and I am glad we have one. However I can’t go into one as all the memories
will come floating back to me, and this is the story of the serpentine in tales of the Pearl river delta.